Using QuickPwn to Jailbreak the iPhone 3G Firmware 2.2

I recently upgraded to firmware 2.2 and finally had time to jailbreak it. Jailbreaking allows you to add programs and change settings that Apple doesn’t allow. It also lets you change your icons, sounds and dock. The first thing you need to do is download QuickPwn for firmware 2.2 (also works on firmware 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.1). You should also sync your iPhone before you jailbreak so everything gets backed up.

Connect your iPhone to your computer via a USB cable. Then click the blue arrow in the bottom right corner to continue.

QuickPwn will search your computer for the 2.2 firmware.

Select your choice for Cydia or Installer, or both. There’s also the option for changing your boot logo. If you change your boot logo it will change it to the pinapple with a bite out of it. There’s no choices for boot logos. If you want to change the boot logo to something custom you must use PwnageTool to create a custom firmware.

The program will warn you to double check that the iPhone is connected. Click the blue arrow.

Follow the onscreen instructions. They will tell you to wait for recovery mode, hold the home button for 5 seconds, hold home and power buttons for 10 seconds, release power and hold home for 30 more seconds.

Once you see the following screen you’re finished on the computer, just wait for your iPhone to finish.

Here’s some shots of the iPhone during the jailbreaking process:

NOTE: The first time I ran the jailbreak I used my dock and the jailbreak didn’t work. It just made my iPhone reboot over and over. I restored and tried with just the USB cable and it worked fine.

If this is the first time you’ve jailbroken your iPhone you can check out our Cydia category and see what apps are available there. If you have any questions you can post it in our forum or email us through our about page.

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  1. I downloaded the jailbraker already. However don’t know if i have the wrong version or if i actually I’m missing something. But every time i try to follow the steps, i get a message that says, ” Firmware error strin” So what should i do about it?

  2. Hi i’ve downloaded quickpwn fw2.2 but at the 2 step i got message “the correct IPSW will have a name beginning with iphone1,2_2.2.1 so it didn’t browse fw2.2 PLEASE HELP!


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