Available In: Cydia | Price: Free |
Glass Two is a clean theme that contains 142 icons, dock, status bar and wallpaper. The theme also contains a template so that you can create your own icons (I love when they do that!!). The only issue I have with this theme is that the dock that that theme comes with has reflections of icons however, the reflections are (from left to right); Phone, Safari, iPod and Settings. I personally like to have different icons in my dock but, then it doesn’t reflect correctly. It isn’t a huge deal since you can easily change this using other docks in WinterBoard. If you liked the Glass theme…then you will probably want to check this one out. It is available via the modmyi source.
I never really gotten in to the Glass themes… Actually, there probably aren’t very many themes I really like. My current theme is just a mixture of icons from other themes with my own background/dock.
When I try to download this I get “Size mismatch”??? HELP!
i tried to download it but it says size mismatch any help
I just tried to download Glass as well as Glass Apple and I also got the same error message?
Just tried again with Glass and I got “MD5Sum mismatch”. something must be up with Cydia/
same problem here… Size mismatch.
It must b working now because I downloaded it.
CanĀ“t download it also :(
Can someone upload the icon template from this Theme and post the Link ?
Tried installing Monty’s “imamess” theme from macciti in Cydia…keep getting “sizematch error”. HELP. I want this theme.