Big Picture – App For The Big Picture

I love the feature on‘s website called “The Big Picture“. They gather the best photography from current events and display them full screen. The problem with this website on the iPad 1 is there is not enough memory to load all the big pictures. Most picture only show a border where the picture should be with a little blue square. So, with this app, you can swipe through a slideshow of all the pictures including their descriptions. There’s also a button in the top right that allows you to view it in Safari; share via Mail, Facebook or Twitter; or you can save the photo to your photo app. One feature I would like to see is the ability to pinch and zoom on the pictures. I find myself trying to do it often but it still doesn’t work. There is also a nice counter in the bottom right to tell you what picture number you are on and how many are left.

iTunes Link

Available In: App Store       Price: $2.99  
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