There should be a lot of great new accessories this week coming from the Consumer Electronics Show so we’re going to try to cover anything worthy of writing about that relates to the iPhone or iPod touch. There’s a big announcement from FLO TV already which brings live TV to the iPhone and iPod Touch. FLO TV runs off of it’s own signal (not HDTV or iPhone carriers) which means an external antenna must be used. And, of course, watching TV on your iPhone would use lots of battery. To solve this FLO TV partnered with Mophie to create a battery back with the antenna installed inside the battery. The downfall to all of this is that FLO TV is a subscription service. There’s rumors of very low pricing options but so far I’ve heard no official monthly fee for iPhone owners. For me, I just use to see shows on demand shortly after they air. Now only if that worked on the iPhone… [Read more…]
Macworld & CES 2009 Rumors & Coverage
Next week there will be many announcements coming out of Macworld and CES. We will be monitoring all of the iPhone and iPod Touch related news and will keep you up to date on all the breaking news. There are lots of rumors but of course, nothing confirmed yet. Here’s the rumors so far:
– iPhone Pro: an iPhone with 60GB of storage, true 16:9 aspect ratio, slide-out keyboard, one megapixel front camera for iChat, and a high quality camera, with good lenses, optical zoom, and video capability.
– iPhone Nano: Smaller and lower priced.
– iPod Touch 7″ or 10″: Possibly only announced at Macworld but released in fall of 2009.