i101 – Episode 25 – WWDC 2016 Preview & Rumors

Hey guys! We are so excited to bring back i101! In episode 25 we talk about the many rumors of what’s to come at Apple’s 2016 World Wide Developer’s Conference. [Read more…]

iPhone 5 & iPad 2 Rumors

As usual about this time of year there are lots of rumors flying about the upcoming new devices from Apple. Here are a list of some of the features that are being talked about. Let us know what you think!

iPhone 5

– complete redesign
– multicore processor either titled A5 or A8
– dual mode CDMA & GSM to work on any carrier

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More Rumors of the iPhone Coming to Verizon

verizonThe Wall Street Journal claims to be in contact with someone at Apple that has stated there will be CDMA iPhone and will come to Verizon by the first quarter of 2011. The device will not yet run on LTE technology as many have thought. Also discussed was that the design of the CDMA iPhone will continue to use the iPhone 4 design and the new iPhone 5 will have some changes. The expected growth of sales could be an additional 10 million iPhones a year.

It will be very interesting to see if Verizon’s network can handle the iPhone or if it will have the same problems AT&T has had. It may be OK since Verizon has had other smart phones like all the Android phones. But, AT&T started slowly with a non 3G iPhone, then the iPhone 3G, then the iPhone 4 that sends bigger pictures and video, runs apps in the background and has more apps then before where Verizon will be jumping right in with one of the more bandwidth intensive devices ever!


Wall Street Journal Article
New York Times Article

iPhone 4.0 Firmware Rumors

Firmware There are a lot of rumors flying with almost a week until the upcoming Apple event where the tablet is supposed to make it’s appearance. Many think that the iPhone firmware and the tablet firmware are very similar and to keep things secret about the tablet, Apple hasn’t updated the iPhone firmware lately. Some say features of the new tablet will trickle back to the iPhone. Here are some of the rumors of the new iPhone 4.0 firmware via Boy:

There will be multi-touch gestures OS-wide. (Would make sense for that as the rumored OS for the iTablet is close if not the same as the iPhone)

“A few new ways” to run applications in the background — multitasking.

Many graphical and UI changes to make navigating through the OS easier and more efficient. We haven’t had this broken down, but we can only hope for improved notifications, a refreshed homescreen, etc.
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Friday Night Movie Night: Apple Tablet Previews

AppleSorry we missed this last week, I was in Maryland for a conference. It was worth the wait though. There are some sweet new videos of the upcoming tablet from Apple. Of course they could be fake but they look pretty legit to me. Here’s what I’ve found:

WWDC Live Blog Tomorrow & My Predictions

Apple iPhone SchoolTomorrow is the big day! As you can see on the right, there are only a few hours left until the big announcement. What’s going to be announced? Well, I have my opinions…

I’m pretty confident that the name of the 3rd iPhone will be called “iPhone Video”. There’s strong evidence in the iPhone 3.0 Beta firmwares to support this:

iphone_30_video_recording_interfaceThis screenshot seems pretty real to me. It would make total sense to have one app run both the still image camera and the video camera. Just toggling the switch into video mode would change the button to a red dot kinda like the red light on the front of most video cameras.

There’s a lot more that goes along with video, one of the best is a new camera/lens. A big rumor is an upgrade to the camera to 3.2MP and the addition of auto focus. This would be really nice for me because right now I carry a DSLR and a Flip Video along with my iPhone. I would like the iPhone to replace the Flip. I doubt it will ever replace the big digital camera. I NEED ZOOM!

Other screenshots show MobileMe video features and even one with buttons that allow for minor editing of the video right on the iPhone. A big wish of mine is the front facing camera to make video phone calls. This seems to good to be true. Maybe someday with the 4G/LTE network. I really do think there will be video recording with the new iPhone. [Read more…]

iPhone 3G Pro Coming in June (Rumor?)

AppleBarrons.com, part of the Wall Street Journal Digital Network, is reporting info on the upcoming iPhone release. Calling it the iPhone 3G Pro, they quote RBC Capital’s Mike Abramsky that claims faster 3G using the HSUPA standard, improved graphics, video recording & messaging, 16GB & 32GB sizes, possibly thinner and a $199/$299 price point. He also said he expects the new version to be offered on AT&T first, and other markets second. Does this mean other world markets like O2 or other USA markets like Verizon & Sprint?

You can read the full article here: barrons.com

Macworld & CES 2009 Rumors & Coverage

AppleNext week there will be many announcements coming out of Macworld and CES. We will be monitoring all of the iPhone and iPod Touch related news and will keep you up to date on all the breaking news. There are lots of rumors but of course, nothing confirmed yet. Here’s the rumors so far:

iPhone Pro: an iPhone with 60GB of storage, true 16:9 aspect ratio, slide-out keyboard, one megapixel front camera for iChat, and a high quality camera, with good lenses, optical zoom, and video capability.
iPhone Nano: Smaller and lower priced.
iPod Touch 7″ or 10″: Possibly only announced at Macworld but released in fall of 2009.

iPod Touch Rumors

From the blog of Kevin Rose comes rumors about future iPod including the iPod Touch. Here’s the rumors:

– Revamp of entire iPod line.
– Small cosmetic changes to Touch, Nano to see significant redesign (see pic below).
– iPods to see fairly large price drops to distance itself from the $199 iPhone.
– iPod touch 2.1 software, iPhone to get update very soon after.
– iTunes 8.0 (“it’s a big update w/new features”).
– All of this coming in the next 2-3 weeks.
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