The app for November 23rd is “Leftover”. SURPRISE!! I can’t tell you how surprised I was to open my installer and see tomorrow’s app already there!! But, according to the developer, he put it out early for all of those who will be up bright and early to go shopping!! YAY shopping! I think this is a very cool and useful app (especially for tomorrow). The app opens to a screen giving you the basic gist of the app. To starting using the app just tap the screen. Next, you will need to add a category and the amount allocated to that category. My category is going to be Black Friday and my allocated amount is going to be $1000.00 (because rumor has it iMacs are going to be half price)!! After you have created your category and put in the amount just tap “add category” then you will have to tap on done to get out of edit mode. Now, when I buy my iMac for $850.00 I can go in and delete that amount off of my $1000.00 by clicking on the category and putting in that I have spent $850.00. It then brings me back to the home screen and has deleted that amount off my total…I only have $150.00 more to spend on Black Friday! You can also choose to add more to the allocated amount by clicking on the category and putting in the amount you want added and tap “add to…”. This could actually be a very useful tool. If you only want to spend $50.00 a month on eating out you can just delete your amount of the allocated amount each time. Then you will know that you already spent your $50.00 and you are only half way through the month!! :) Below are a few screenshots:
iApp-a-Day – Leftover
November 23, 2007 by
Ok…so the half off iMac turned out to be just a rumor…but hey, a girl can dream!!