Labyrinth is available in the through the Ste Packaging source. This is actually not a new game…however, we have never done a post about this game becuase it never worked correctly. It seems that after making some changes they have come out with an update for it. When you select the game it opens to a screen with four option; you can demo the game, calibrate your iPhone, view the credits and buy the game. This is only a demo in order to have the full version you must purchase the game. The object of the game is to get the silver ball to checkered ball (by tilting your iPhone) without falling into the holes. When you tap on Demo you are able to play the game for about 25 seconds, if your time runs out you will get a screen saying Out of Time! and then the ability to play again. If you win during the demo, you will get a screen saying Congratulations! You complete level 0, and then the amount if time it took you to complete the level. You then have the ability to play the next level. If you pass a level…
the next time you open the app it brings you to the level you are correctly on and does not start you over. To purchase the game just tap How to Buy on the bottom left…it will bring you to a screen that gives you a code to enter when you buy the game. It costs $7.00 to buy the game. I’m not sure what the benefits are of purchasing it but, I’m guessing no time limit and more options! It is a really addicting game so maybe some people will get addicted and buy it but, I just don’t see people buying a game when they can get others for free. I’m interested to know if people do that…leave me your opinion about buying games in the comments! Below are the screenshots!

I would also like to know the benefits on buying the game, how many levels and such. I know the old version, you could create your own levels and have as many as you want, which I think more people might stick to the free version, unless the buying version is so much better.
Danny T
I purchased this game without thinking twice. I don’t play it all the time but I do appreciate how this game works on the iphone and think it’s one of the better games. I want to have it. After you purchase there are many other level packs to download (only takes a second). You are still timed. I don’t see an option to extend the time or get rid of that feature but I’m guessing it might be added. If you don’t want to spend the money then you still have quite a few levels in the DEMO mode. It sure shows off what the iphone can do!
Cool…MacHappy…thanks for the info…and that is awesome that you purchased the game…it takes a lot of time and work to create apps and it is nice to see people supporting the developers!! I wasn’t sure if people would pay for a game or not. It would be nice to not have the time restriction on the full app after purchase but, maybe we will see an update for that. And you are right…it is a great app!!
Ha Ha, I got up to Level 7!!!! This game is pretty kewl; very realistic.