The update to iToggle version 1.0.5 is available in the through the ModMyiFone source. This update takes out one of the options that used to allow you to turn the Tinyproxy on or off. All of the other options are still available. Here are the screenshots:
iToggle Update 1.0.5
December 23, 2007 by
in your screenshots I see a “Phone” option. I just installed iToggle and I do not see that option on my iPhone! I installed the same version (1.0.5) from the same source. hmmmm…
same here…
turned “phone” to off… now hanging in spinning cycle (i guess it cannot start commcenter anymore)
any help from the developer???
same here i see the post is dated january 15th still no help from developer. i read allot of these on the web but not ONE developer reached out tp help problem they caused REAL bad
Crashed iphone here as well with no clue what to do
iphone 8 gb 1.1.2 stealth sim no luck after restore keeps hanging with the plug and itunes logo wont read sim correct ???
Just bricked my 1.1.2 oob phone as I turned off “phone” function with this iToggle applicaiton. Now can’t boot it with never-ending spinning circle.
I will try to re-downgrade to 1.1.1 and re-do all the breaking stuff. But this is not pleasant at all. Even worse if restoring won’t work@!@!#
does it works whit 1.1.3 ipod touch??? Thanks.
I installed this version of itoggle on a OOB 1.1.3 upgraded to 1.1.4 iphone.
It installed file but when i start, it tries to open but goes back to the home screen. Anyone else face the same issue? Wha’ts the reason? What’s the fix?
Same here. Looking for an alternative.
Yes, same here. Looking for new version for this fix
An alternative from what I’ve researched is an app called Services. Controls EDGE, Wifi, SSH and Bluetooth. iToggle does more but Serices covers pretty much what I need and from people’s reviews they seem to have had fewer problems with Services compared to iToggle so i’m using Services now.Until i hear otherwise.
i install iToggle on my iphone , but it doesn’t work with version 1.1.4
Can I know the author of iToggle?