This is a new app in the available through the iSpazio source. iLyrics will display the lyrics of the song you have playing on your iPhone. To use the app you will first have to go into your iPod and select a song and play it (if you go to the app before playing a song it will say Not Playing). Once a song is playing, tap your home button and find the app in your SpringBoard. When the app opens it will say Searching and then you will get one of two things; Downloading…and then the lyrics will appear or Not found. If you swipe your finger on the screen the page will flip over and you will get the menu. It will show a list all of the artists that you have used iLyrics to get the lyrics of their songs (or it will show a blank list if you don’t have any lyrics). You can then click on the artist and it will list all of the songs, just click on the song and you will get the lyrics. You will also notice a Settings button in the top right corner. In the Settings there is the option to change the font size of the lyrics, change the source of the lyrics (where it is pulling the lyrics from), choose a search engine and information about the app. When you have changed everything to the way to want it…just tap Done in the top right corner. You can then refresh your song lyrics by flipping the page back over and tapping on the round arrow in the top right. Personally…I think this would be a SWEET app…but, it needs some work.
I had to turn on all three source settings on (embedded lyrics, lyrics library and auto download) as well as all the search engine settings (2 in a different language and before I got any results. Then, I only got results for Micheal Jackson songs!! I tried David Crowder, Kelly Clarkson, Akon, Salvador (a few others)……even Justin Timberlake…I got nothin!! Until I tried Micheal Jackson!! So…with a little work this could be a really sweet app but right now it seems limited! Let me know in the comments if you were able to get any lyrics to show up!
This app is also available in Italian if you install iLyrics ITA instead of iLyrics ENG!
MobileScrobbler now will fetch the lyrics of the song you are currently listening to;
what is the repository?
i cant find itt…
It is available through the iSpazio source.
thanks brooke. i want to inform you that the last update can do another thing. If the auto download system cannot find any lyric, you can write the lyric using itunes for a selected track, then syncronize this track to iphone/ipod touch, and open ilyrics while the track is playing to watch the lyric that you manually wrote in itunes (as the old ipods, can do) apologise for my english, there is the italian page that specks about this:
I know that MobileScrobbler uses
Maybe iLyrics could use it too.
I found Foo Fighters
Quick question.
How do I get to the settings menu?
I have looked, is there something I am overlooking?
Swipe your finger on the screen…it will flip over the page…and you are good to go!
Thank you very much, works like a charm now
Awesome app
how do i remove/delete the songs that i dont want anymore?
I have a 3G Iphone, but I cannot find the app at iTunes Store? Where I could get it?
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