Labyrinth Update 1.0.1

Labyrinth There has been an update to Labyrinth in the through the Ste Packaging source. This is another great update to Labyrinth. The first thing you will notice is that there is now a Settings option on the main screen (which replaces the calibrate button from the previous version). When you go into the Settings you can calibrate your iPhone from there…you can now also (the best part of the entire update!!!) choose to turn off the game time limit!! YAY!! Once you are finished in the Settings just tap the Back button in the lower left corner to go back to the main screen. Another thing you will notice is that they have added some additional instructions to the main screen. There have also been some changes made to the Demo option. Once you tap on Demo it will bring you to a menu in which you can choose your level pack. You are given the Demo levels for free…to get more levels you have to pay for the full version. The cost of the game has not changed…it is still $7.00. Just tap on Demo levels to begin. Once you pass a level a screen will pop up telling you Congratulations!, what level you passed and the about of time it took you to pass the level. Another cool new feature is that once you have passed a level you can swipe your finger on the screen to go back and replay the levels you have already passed. When you reopen the app and choose the Demo levels again…it will automatically bring you to the level you left off on. I really sweet update!! These guys really do a great job with this app!! Here are the screenshots:

Labyrinth Update 1.0.1 Labyrinth Update 1.0.1 Labyrinth Update 1.0.1
Labyrinth Update 1.0.1 Labyrinth Update 1.0.1 Labyrinth Update 1.0.1

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  1. also the dots next to the level shows how far you have completed that level. once all the dots are highlighted blue, you have fully completed that level

  2. I was wondering what those little dots were next to the Demo levels…so, there are ten demo levels…good to know…thanks!! But, my dots turn green when a level is complete!