We were able to get a sneak peak at the new version of Caissa, .85 – alpha, before it is available in the Installer.app this afternoon. The update fixes quite a few bugs (listed below) and Armadillo’s addon adds a ton of new Board and Pieces themes. See the screenshots below!
Caissa 0.85-alpha January 15,2008
* 1.0.2 compatibility #74
* Sound toggle #73
* Hint button #75
* UI calls engine Asynchronously (pieces won’t stick to the board, while engine thinks)
* Thinking indicator #39
* Undo for castings works #68,#69
* Can undo after checkmate #63
* Crash bug #67
* Other bugs fixed #70, #71, #72
Below are screenshots of Armadillo’s addon:
These screenshots were made with 0.84b release.
I just sent you an email about this!