There is an update to iPhysics in the and, it is not only available through the R4m0n source but is now back in the source as well. One of the visual changes with the update to iPhysics 1.0 is the ability to turn on sounds. Once you open the app…if you tap on Option in the upper right corner you have the option to turn on/off the Sound Effects. With the update adding sound effects…they have put out a few new levels that are really cool like iPinball and Moo’N’Patrol. Here are the rest of the changes via the developer:
* New rendering engine using OpenGL, a lot more faster than the previous one and with texture support!
* Support for images and animations for objects, as can be seen on the first level of the Crayon Physics pack (I’ll update the others in the next update)
* Sound effects, and an option on the main menu to turn them off. The sound is currently playing as a system sound, so you have to turn them on to hear anything.
* Multi-touch support! Up to 5 simultaneous touches are registered and processed. For now it’s only useful for triggers, but I may add something extra for them in the future.
* Basic scoring added, online scoring soon to come.
* Some new flags and trigger actions, see the iPhysics_Levelpack_Format page.
The only sad part is that the update has some issues with flickering…when you play a level it is glitchy and the screen flickers. Which has made Doug sooooooo sad!!! The developer is working on the issue and says that it is caused by some program in the background refreshing the screen. Overall…updates to iPhysics are always exciting!! But, you might want to hold off on this one until it is fixed! If you have already updated but would like to go back to the previous version…click HERE and scroll down for the zip files of previous versions. Below are some screenshots:

The flickering is the same issue the developer of Labyrinth ran into. It’s caused by OpenGL conflicting with programs such as Dock. There are others, but Dock is the one that makes it flicker the worst; uninstall that and it will be bearable. Labyrinth actually stopped using OpenGL because of the issue, IIRC.
pity bout the flickering, lovely app but hopefully this will be sorted soon
the old one didnt flicker but now it does :(
Yes, it is very sad….though you can download the zip file from an older version and add it via OpenSSH...until they update.
That’s weird mine has never flickered on version1, NEVER!
yep, turning off Dock fixed the flicker problem. The new game is a lot of fun. I especially like the new pinball add on, but what is more amazing is the possibilities that it opens up. I think I can live without Dock just fine.
Hey guys, any idea if the levels works on fw 1.1.4??
Check out THIS post for info on compatibility with 1.1.4.