There have been some recent updates to Categories not only have they made the app compatible with 1.1.3!!, there are a few new features. You will find two new options in the Configuration settings, the ability to turn on/off Hide Title and Hide Icon Titles. If you turn on Hide Title…when you go into one of the categories you created it will no longer display the “Title” or menu bar that displays the Title of that category, the Screen option and the Edit option. I’m not sure why you would want to hide the title but, I’m sure there is a reason! If you turn on Hide Icon Titles and then you go into a category you have created…it will only show the icons of the apps in that category and will not display the app’s title (see screenshots below). There are also some new icons that you can choose from when creating a new category!! I am still waiting for the update that allows you to change the icon of a category you have already created!! Below are the Developer’s notes on running this app on 1.1.3. Categories is available in the through the BigBoss source.
Categories Update info for 1.1.3:
* Massive reworks for 1.1.3 firmwares. Had to change the way hide icons works. 1.1.3 no longer uses the display order file for hiding and showing icons. The good news is that it should be impossible to damage this file causing a blank desktop screen.
* Icons hiding works like poof for 1.1.3 (not customize). Still need to update for older FW and write a conversion app for pre 1.1.3 installs.
* Note: To get rid of the ugly blue screen on 1.1.3, set “Use Background Img” to “OFF” and “Summerboard Themes” to “OFF”. Load your category folder, and tap “screen” to save.

i cannot get the summerboard themes to work on my 1.1.1, anyone else having tis problem? how about people running 1.1.3?