I still haven’t gotten this to work on my 1.1.3 iphone.
I get a package download failure every time I try to get it via Installer, so I downloaded the pxl package from their site and installed it manually instead. Now I get the splash screen for a couple seconds before it kicks me back to home.
Hi, i tried your method but when i put the pxl file in applications and run chmod 755 on iphone’s terminal i get usage: chmod [-fv] [-R [-H (etc…..) mode entry file…
should i enter another thing before 755??
I still haven’t gotten this to work on my 1.1.3 iphone.
I get a package download failure every time I try to get it via Installer, so I downloaded the pxl package from their site and installed it manually instead. Now I get the splash screen for a couple seconds before it kicks me back to home.
Anyone else have any luck?
For iPhone 1.1.3
Download the plx package from their site and install it manually instead.
Go to the Terminal’s iphone and do:
cd /Applications (enter)
cd iFob.app (enter)
su (enter)
(->password: alpine (enter))
chmod 733 (enter)
Enjoy :)
Oups, not 733 but 755 ! :)
Cheating and stalking just got easier.
Hi, i tried your method but when i put the pxl file in applications and run chmod 755 on iphone’s terminal i get usage: chmod [-fv] [-R [-H (etc…..) mode entry file…
should i enter another thing before 755??