Note: New version 1.1 is out for ZiPhone! get it here
I have been MIA for awhile because I messed up a manual install and was forced to upgrade to an unjailbroken 1.1.3. The last few weeks have been long and grey. But I am pleased to announce that a true 1.1.3 jailbreak is upon us!!!
Zibri (his blog here) formally from the Dev team, now works with the ‘elite’ team, has posted the long withheld jailbreak, allowing 1.1.3 otb(out-of-the-box) or otherwise updated 1.1.3 iPhones a VERY easy way to jailbreak and retain all of 1.1.3’s great features!
It’s called ZiPhone. You can find the latest version here(if your on a mac this guide won’t help you, go here and get the latest OSX ZiPhone zip here). Download the file and save it to your computer. It is a zip file, so you will have to extract it to your computer, I’ll recommend you exract to C:/ZiPhone. Then go to the folder and locate ZiPhone.exe, make sure your iPhone is connected, and iTunes is running, then double click ZiPhone.exe. (If a black screen pops up then goes away, like mine did, follow the instructions below).
Manually run ZiPhone.exe: Go to Start>Run, type in ‘cmd’ (no quotes) and hit enter. Type in ‘cd ..’ 2 times (or until your prompt looks like “C:/>” then type ‘cd ziphone’ hit enter, then type ‘dir’ hit enter. If you see ZiPhone.exe in the list then you are in the right spot, if you see ZiPhone with no .exe you need to go one more folder in so type ‘cd ziphone’. Now everyone should be in the right spot.
Now the directions (limited as they are) say that you can just jailbreak if your iPhone is already activated, that didn’t work for me. In your command prompt, you need to type ‘ziphone -j -a’ and hit enter. ZiPhone should now run and tell you to ‘power down and restart in restore mode’ here is how to do that correctly. Turn the iPhone off normally (hold down the power button, then use the power down slider. When you iPhone is off, hold the power button and the home button both down for 10 seconds (try and be precise) after 10 seconds release only the power button and continue holding the home button till iTunes gives you a message (note: your screen will stay dark, but it will be found by iTunes). You should still have your iPhone connected to your computer and iTunes running. iTunes will popup saying something about checking versions or whatever, just ignore that message. If you can still see the command line application you will see it now says “working” just give it 45secs and it will reboot you iPhone for you and wallah! should be back on your home screen, and you are fully jailbroken!
If this worked for you like it did for me, CONGRATS!
If not, please post below, and I’ll try to help. Try this a few times first to make sure you are doing it correctly.
Amazingly this whole process took me about 2minutes!
NOTE: If you downloaded ZiPhone right away and are having problems, try redownloading from the link above, as Zibri has updated ZiPhone a few times. This App will not upgrade your iPhone for you, you must be on 1.1.3 from an iTunes upgrade.
2ND NOTE: ** New Gui ersion can be found here**
– I havent tried it yet, but I think it should be just as safe.
3RD NOTE: Found a post by Zibri Himself, for those having problems try this method or putting iPhone into restore mode.
“To everyone having problems:
you HAVE to SHUTDOWN the iPhone correctly BEFORE using ZiPhone !
Take the iphone from the DOCK.
press and hold ONLY the power button for 5 seconds.
The SLIDE TO power off.
Then keeping the HOME button pressed (only the home button),
connect to dock.
And keep the home button pressed until the iPhone is in RECOVERY mode.
Then RUN ZiPhone.”
same jailbreak with gui
It says please wait 45 seconds for about 5 minutes now. Should i be concerned?
People dont do this jailbreak just yet. It bricked my iPhone and i had to restore back to 1.1.3 it wouldnt even restore to 1.1.1. Wait until there is more info on this jailbreak, maybe there is individual approach to every generation of iPhone regarding baseband and everything.
i’ve tried this yesterday. my iphone is OTB 1.1.2 bootloader 4.6.
i’ve restored my phone with iTunes 7.6 and it automatically upgrade my iphone to 1.1.3. then i did the Ziphone method. everything works fine except for locate function in googlemaps, but it’s not a big problem since we got navizon as alternative.
also some of applications seems not yet compatible with 1.1.3. i got problems with those apps :
Voice Message
Is it really not yet compatible with 1.1.3 or i’ve done wrong somewhere during the process???
For some reason for me the ziphone app crashes and closes itself. And then when i do the ziphone -j -a it says working and wait for 45″ and just bricks there :(
Restoring it for third time still wont work :(
make sure u download the latest iTunes which is version 7.6 in order to restore your iphone.
all crazy: fake jailbreak, official jailbreak, unofficial jailbreak…. true jailbreak…and so on ;)
@Stefan – by True jailbreak, I mean the one the Dev team has been holding from release.
@those with problems – Make sure iTunes is fully updated 7.6 and upgrade to 1.1.3. Make sure that iTunes 7.6 is running and the iPhone is connected before starting ZiPhone. Make sure you follow the correct method I posted for putting your iPhone into restore.
@hasnun – make sure you upgrade your iPhone to 1.1.3 and verify that all the ‘locate’ and ‘hybrid map’ funtions work. Then follow the instructions to jailbreak.
Note: basically you need to be on a non-jailbroken 1.1.3, with all the features working. It may be a good idea to do a fresh restore to 1.1.3 before this process, but I didn’t have to do it.
@Taleh Aliyev – My guess is you did the soft jailbreak first. Make sure iTunes is upgraded to 7.6 and then do a fresh restore on your iPhone to 1.1.3. Then follow my instructions.
BTW! This will not work correctly unless you follow the correct restore mode I explained in my instructions!
Jacob :
thanks for the reply, but i did upgrade to 1.1.3 using iTunes. but i cannot get into the phone’s menu without activating it first right? i don’t use my phone with AT&T sim card. how can i check wether the function is working or not before doing the ziphone’s method??
Okay just did it twice first with just -j and then with -a -j anf didn’t work. phone comes back perfect but no installer app on the spring board…soo weird…it is actiavted with AT&T…could you please help me jacob. Thanks
here is the version we should be using, it is a gui for the ziphone provided by the guys at
@hasnun – If you are using iTunes 7.6, then I would assume that all features are working. I’m not sure how this works with a non AT&T sim, if you still have teh original SIM, I would try using that and doing ‘ziphone -j -a -u’ Sorry, but I am not familiar with Unlocking, as I have not done it. If only I had a testing iPhone… ;)
@Alan Moore – Not sure if it makes a difference, but it should be ‘ziphone -j -a’. The first 2 times I tried this I did ziphone -j and had the same result as you, returned to normal home screen with no Try running it ziphone -j -a and make sure you correctly put it into recovery mode, the way I describe.
@jman – Thanks jman! I had heard about that coming, but hadn’t seen it yet.
I think we can talk Doug into trying our the GUI for us ;)
I am running OSX 4.11
I am running iTunes 7.6
When i try to run ./ziphone -j -a i receive “segmentation fault”
You said on your article that Zibri now works with the ‘elite’ team, I just want to add Zirbi is the ‘elite’ team, he is the man who started it. and what he did is amazing and based on gehot work… SO thanks for both..
iTunes 7.6
iPod 1.1.3
After I get to the pint of putting mu ipod into recovery mode, cmd doesn’t respond and i get an error msg from windows saying ziphone….exe not respondin….and it terminates?
Followed instructions religiously!
You might be right regarding the iTunes thing, coz i was still running the 7.5. Let me update and see whatsup. Thanks for the prompt respond
theres a version for osx. i know ziphone works, so dont be afraid to use it. its better if itunes is not running while you use it, you should even stop the itunes helper, any other questions? ive been to all the forums about this lol
also, if some apps dont work, make sure you have bsd subsystem installed and also openSSH. as for locate me, if you install navigps, run it, and then try locate me, it will work. you can then erase navigps
please show a video of ziphone being used, preferably on a 1.1.3otb. i have only found one video in youtube but its bad
Still wont happen :( I dont know what the heck. It is a brand new 1.1.3 restore, nothing is in the phone. 7.6 itunes. I follow the instructions word to word. And ziphone app crashes on me, leaving me with brick :(
taleh aliyev: you must have a 3.9BL
@jason – short mac instructions here
@Mike FX – sounds like you didn’t have iTunes running, or you unhooked your iPhone from the connector, or you didn’t get the right restore mode. (I got the same kind of error when I entered the wrong restore mode, or I messed with iTunes. Also make sure you are running ziphone -j -a Best of luck!
@alex – I am having problems with openSSH and Summerboard 3.1-1, I get a main script error, and they were already installed when I jailbroke (maybe from previous soft-upgrade jailbreak installs. dunno. I would strongly suggest a full restore before doing this, just to make sure everything is cleaned up.
@Alex & Taleh – not sure how to help. Sounds like you have everything right. If it is your BootLoader, I’m not sure where to direct you, but I know there is sources for Upgrading/Downgrading, but if I remember those processes are a bit hairy.
alex_dlc how do i know if i have 3.9 bl, and how do i change it if i dont?
I have a full system restore, performed it like 10 times today already :( No matter what i do, as soon as i type ziphone -j -a and then put my iphone into restore mode (Holding the sleep and home, and then releasing sleep) the ziphone crashes :((
Hi guys…just a quick FYI…Doug will be doing a video of the 1.1.3 jailbreak…it should be available tomorrow morning. He will be using the GUI ZiPhone jailbreak.
@Taleh – to see what BL you have goto setting>general>about then look at the serial number if the 4th and 5th position #s are less than 45 you have BL3.9. Those 2 numbers mean the week of production, I have week 34 so I did this with BL 3.9 and it worked.
Maybe give the GUI a shot, or wait till the morning and see how Doug does it.
thanks a lot brooke and doug, i look forward to that video, i hooe it is a 1.1.3 otb iphone, not 1.1.2otb upgraded to 1.1.3. also, if you could check the most common errors: installer icon not there, locate me not working, youtube dosnt work, no wifi, ……… and more (FYI its my birthday today)
@Alex – Happy Bday!
OSX Users! newest update to the OSX version of ZiPhone can be found here
Hope that helps!
Don’t know what this exactly does, but in Zibri’s latest update he added a BL function
Usage: ziphone [-u] [-a] [-j] [-i imei]
-u: Unlock (Only for 4.6 BL)
-a: Activate
-j: Jailbreak
-i: Change imei (Only for 4.6 BL)
-v: Verbose boot (debug)
-e: iErase BL 3.9 baseband
Also just found this post by Zibri himself, not sure why he does it diffrent, but maybe this will solve some problems.
“To everyone having problems:
you HAVE to SHUTDOWN the iPhone correctly BEFORE using ZiPhone !
Take the iphone from the DOCK.
press and hold ONLY the power button for 5 seconds.
The SLIDE TO power off.
Then keeping the HOME button pressed (only the home button),
connect to dock.
And keep the home button pressed until the iPhone is in RECOVERY mode.
Then RUN ZiPhone.”
My number is 39, which i guess makes me BL3.9 why am i still unable to do the jailbreak. I dont want to get stuck with stock iPhone :)
LOL! I know your pain, I’ve been with stock 1.1.3 for 3 weeks till now!
I would suggest the GUI, and see how that works for you. Also maybe try the method I posted above to enter restore mode correctly.
Jacob, you are golden man
February 12th, 2008 at 3:49 pm is the post i was waiting for.
So happy to see the little blue icon again.
btw big fan of the site. liked it more when it was getting updated regularly though :) keep up the good work guys
@Taleh – Awesome! So glad it worked for you!!!!!
And the site will be updating you on apps on a more regular basis now that I have an unlocked iPhone again and Doug and Brooke are back from vacation.
They almost made me write articles for web apps. bleh :P
Good stuff. Nice to hear. Thanks again and good luck in what you are doing. Of course thanks to Doug and Brooke also.
Never worked…..tried it again and again, everytime, ZiPhone quits after phone is put into restore mode, and iTunes tells you that you need to restore.
I have a 1.1.1 phone with 29 as the 4th and 5th numbers meaning I have BL 3.9, correct? I had a hard time getting my phone unlocked and activated in the first place (I have an existing AT&T contract and didn’t want to extend it another year) using a bunch of various hacks and lots of flashing and re-flashing. I’m just worried that it won’t be unlocked and activated when I try this. Can someone with a 1.1.1 and an existing AT&T account (non iphone account) verify that it will absolutely work unlocked, jailbroken and such, ready to take on an existing AT&T sim card?
How long should the GUI version take?
Mine’s been running for 10 minutes now…
Must I have iTunes open or closed for the GUI?
c’MON fellas. Who knows why i would get “Segmentation fault” after running -j -a
Is this correct?
1. Restart ipod/phone > connect to pc
2. open itunes (7.6)
3. cmd > cd..>cd..>cd ziphone > drag ziphone.exe > enter > ziphone -j -a > enter
4. (still connected) turn ipod off > put into recovery mode
5. let cmd do its thing
@Mike FX – sounds correct.
Jacob :-( doesn’t work
I’l jst wait for the video…thanks for the help tho.
Sorry :( I’d love to help, but there is only so much I can do from afar…
CLOSE ITUNES PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
– Does this process ERASE the already existing data on the iPhone, like Photos, Contacts, Organiser, SMS, YouTube Bookmarks, Safari Bookmarks, etc. ?
– Or will all the previous information be still intact after doing this?
– Can anyone post Image-by-Image / Photo-by-Photo of screenshots showing how it is done at each stage?
I hope that some of you who have already done the process will be able to answer my questions and clear my concerns very accurately.
Thank you.
new ziphone