A new app PhotoDial is available through the Makayama Software source. This app allows you to call someone by selecting their photo…in order to use this app you will have to have photos added to your Contacts. PhotoDial opens to thumbnails of all your contact’s photos (and for the life of me I cannot figure out any order they are in…definately not alphabetical). To scroll through your contact’s photos just swipe you finger on the screen…you will notice that there are the infamous “white dots” at the bottom so you can tell where you are in your contacts. You can also tap the plus button in the upper right corner to make the photos bigger and then scroll through them that way…just tap the minus button in the upper left corner to make them small again…hit the minus button again to display nine or sixteen photos at a time. Along the bottom menu you will see five options; Main, Contacts, Preferences, About and Help. Main will bring you back to the main screen, Contacts will bring you to a list of your contacts where you can then rearrange the order of them, Preferences gives you the options to turn on/off Home Button (which will make your Home Button double tap shortcut open this app), Confirmations (which will give you a confirmation pop-up every time before you make a call) and Use frames (turns on frames around the photos), About will give you a screen giving you more info about the app and is where you enter your activation code and Help will bring you to a webpage with more info.
Ok…now how to use the app…once you have found the photo of the contact you want to call, just tap on the photo and it will bring up a list of all the numbers available for that contact, just tap on the number you would like to call and it will automatically call it. The cool part is that when you end the call…you will be brought back to PhotoDial (I suppose this could get annoying though). As cool as this app is…it did not work smoothly for me at all. When I was demoing it…it crashed constantly, reset my iPhone at least seven times, reset my HomeButton double-tap shortcut and rearranged the icons on my SpringBoard! I do not have Dock installed so I know it is not conflicted with that…I’m not sure what the deal is (let me know if it worked for you!) You can use the free version of the app or you can buy it for $16.95 (early bird) and then $19.95. If you buy the app you will no longer get the spash screen asking you to Buy or Continue and after 15 times of using the free app you will start to get a pop-up every time you make a call…the full version will get rid of this too. This app is compatiable with all version of firmware (though, I have only tested it on 1.1.3).
Note: I just tested this app on 1.1.1 and it seemed to work fine…so, I’m not sure if it is a 1.1.3 issue or what.
How to add Photos to your Contacts:
1. Go into your stock Phone application
2. Go into Contacts
3. Select a Contact
4. Select Edit
5. Tap on Add Photo in the upper left corner
6. You can then choose to take a photo or choose an existing photo
*If you choose to take a photo…it will open your Camera…you can take the picture…then move and scale it and then set it as your Photo.
*If you choose to choose an existing photo…it will bring you to your Photo Albums where you can choose a photo and then select Set Photo.
7. Now you will see the added photo and it will show up in PhotoDial.

Hi there,
I’m having exactly the some problems using 1.1.3 – now the program (bought their suite of programs – VoiceDial, Camera pro etc) won’t even move past the initial splash screen – then it eventually resets the phone – hope this will be addressed soon.
Have the same problem as Trevor, when tapped on the PhotDial icon on the main screen, it executes the program, but, does not pass the primary screen – starts to initialize, goes balck & returns to the Home screen on using on 1.0
Any help?
im on 1.1.4
I have a defrent problems, I have added photos to contacts and make a back-up, then reset my iphone, then restored my contacts, added my friends photo to there numbers (some of them defrent photos then i used before) now in PhotoDial some of my contacts have 2-3 photos and when i press on them pops a message (null, null)!
and whenever i change the preferences my iphone crash then restart and when using coverflow mode all photos come as white squares!