The only change with version 1.02 of PhotoDial is the addition of a CoverFlow mode in the Preferences. If you turn on CoverFlow mode, you can scroll through your contacts Cover Flow style (you can still just tap on the photo to call that Contact). The first time I used the Cover Flow option is was really glitchy but, the second time I tried it…it was fine! Doug wouldn’t let me try this version on his 1.1.3 because it messed up his iPhone soo bad last time (he is finally breaking down and restoring it right now! :( ). So, I have no idea if it still massively messes up a 1.1.3 or not. If someone is brave enough to try it, let us know in the comments if it is working yet! PhotoDial is available through the Makayama Software source. Below are the screenshots:
PhotoDial 1.02
March 1, 2008 by
I have PhotoDial 1.02 running on my OTB 1.1.3 iPhone, cover flow mode is sweet (especially the way it only includes the contacts you have photos for, unlike contact flow which includes everybody). I also like the way it is a vertical cover flow, you don’t need to turn the phone sideways just to make a call. App bugs out when trying to call someone using coverflow though, screen kinda just freezes. Works fine on the normal grid view however. With a little fine tuning this app will be awesome.
Hi there,
I’m having exactly the some problems using 1.1.3 – now the program (bought their suite of programs – VoiceDial, Camera pro etc) won’t even move past the initial splash screen – then it eventually resets the phone – hope this will be addressed soon.
Hello iPhone Freaks!
I install PhotoDial on my iPhone 1.1.4 and doesn’t function as a lot of other app. that refuse to work, at the moment under version 1.1.4
I love this apps but
on 1.1.3. its buggy,
1. coverfow tab on a picture => hang , need to reboot
2. sorting in contacts => hanh => need to reboot