ContactFlow 0.93

ContactFlow I was actually surprised by the amount of changes that came with version 0.93 of ContactFlow. The app now opens with only the Contacts that have photos…instead of opening with all your contacts and putting the iPod Girl image in for the ones that did not have photos. There are also some new options in the menu; you can select for the app to show all your contacts (but instead of the iPod Girl you get a white screen with the silhouette of a person…I personally like it much better then the iPod Girl…she clashed with the rest of my iPhone) and you can choose to order the contacts by First name or by Last name. Also, when you tap on a contact and the photo flips over to display all the available number/emails for that contact you will see a new and improved background, arrow and…check out the little sunburst under the thumbnail of the photo! This app is still glitchy on 1.1.3 but, it seems to work fine on 1.1.1. I think it could have to do with the amount of contacts Doug has on his 1.1.3 (he is a little obsessive about his Contacts!), I don’t have nearly as many contacts on my 1.1.1. ContactFlow is available through the SOS iPhone source. Below are the screenshots.

ContactFlow 0.93 ContactFlow 0.93 ContactFlow 0.93 ContactFlow 0.93

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  1. Is there a problem with SOS b/c everytime i add it it refreshes and i check everywhere….All Apps……everything and Contact Flow is not there. :(

  2. do you know if they are ever going to add text messaging support because i think this is a killer app and i want to use it as a replacement for my phone app for the contacts but i usually go to the contacts list to go text message a person so i would love that feature any chance you see it forecoming?

  3. toydesign says

    I have problems with this on my 1.1.2 phone.
    Everything worked great until I installed 0.93 ….now I don’t get any photos at all, just blank white screens for all contacts. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no luck.
    Any ideas on what to do? Does anyone have a source for the previous version so I can downgrade?
    I love this app and want to keep it, but its useless without the contact photos…
    Thanks for any help!