SummerBoard has been updated to support 1.1.4. Brooke tried to update her 1.1.1 and got a warning saying 1.1.3 or higher is required. It updated fine on my 1.1.3. Let us know how it’s worked for you in the comments!
SummerBoard 3.1-2 Update
March 2, 2008 by
Has anyone got customize to work on 1.1.4, I have it working on my iphone with customize version 1.21 (custom),2 from iPod Touch Fan. When I updated my wifes iphone customize version 1.21(custom),2 is nowhere to be found. I installed ipod touch fans source and the beta. I still can’t find it. If anyone knows how to fix this problem or if its possible to SSH it from my iphone to hers let me know…..thanx in advance, and Great Website Doug and Brooke….!!!!
try modded customize it works for me
the new version works fine on my 1.1.4
no problems found at the moment.
best regards from germany
I got the summerboard update installed just fine. The only problem I am having is when I install a new theme it does not show up in the summerboard app. This is very frustrating. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
there is a fix in the installer for this problem
Are you referring to the 1.1.4 Compatibility Patch? I could not find a patch
summerboard per say. Thanks.
Install the 1.1.4 compatibility patch, then head to the “Tweaks (1.1.3)” Source and download Smb Themes Fix. After running that, un-install the compatibility patch and all your Summerboard themes should work. If you run into the same problem down the line, follow the steps above.
I installed summerboard onto my recently updated 1.1.4 and i have come to no problems at this point.
Now only if they could get Customize onto 1.1.4
does anyone have this summerboard version i can SSH to my phone?
I too got the problem of some themes not showing up in SummerBoard. SmoothByAdamJaz is one. I had to SSH and move it from its location to SummerBoard one. And it worked fine.
HOw do you move summerboard with SSH?
I use 1.1.3 and i can’t get the themes to show up. Not even the default one. I have tried every thing and need help. PLease give me some suggestions or a walk through that worked for you. I tried may you tube walk throughs and none were successful. Every thing elese works jus blank when you open themes.
Have you tried SummerBoard 3.2…it works with 1.1.3 and 1.1.4. It is through the AppTapp official source.
i have the summerboard app installed but the icon does not appear and when i try to unistall it says (ERROR main script execution failed) what can i do HELP PLEASE!!!
I use 1.1.2 and I am not able to install the latest version of summerboard. I got a warning saying 1.1.3 or higher is required. Do anyone know of any workaround to enable summerboard to be installed on 1.1.2?
i tried it on 1.1.3 and 1.1.4, dosent work, have used all the tricks on the nett, nothing helps. hope they will upgrade summerboard soon.
i lock the iphone back up again and then unlocked it step by step and installed summerboard and it works i have 1.1.4 but now i cant get customize
I would like to know if I connect to this site by the iphone I can update summerboard …….. thanks
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