Zunda is a SummerBoard theme available via the ModMyiFone source. I saw this theme in the Installer yesterday and thought I would check it out. It turned out to be pretty cool. It is bright, clean and seems to have a decent amount of icons.

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Zunda is a SummerBoard theme available via the ModMyiFone source. I saw this theme in the Installer yesterday and thought I would check it out. It turned out to be pretty cool. It is bright, clean and seems to have a decent amount of icons.
Here are two themes from the ModMyiFone source. Neither of these are new themes, they are actually themes that have been around for a while (or based off themes the have been around for a while). I really like Buuf2 and if you are looking for a simplistic theme, SimpleBlack might be just the theme for you (too boyish for me! :) ). I am on a theme kick lately, for some reason I have been changing my theme everyday! If you are like me and want variety, these might be two themes to add to your collection!
Digg is a theme inspired by Digg.com made by the famous Louie Mantia. Digg is by far my favorite theme of all the themes I have ever used or ever seen. It is just so clean and beautiful :). It only comes with stock application icons but, I made a package with more custom icons in it. If you can not find the specific custom icon you are looking for, you can just rename one of the other icons I have provided. You can get the Digg theme from the AppTapp source. Check out the screenshots below!
1. Install Digg Theme
2. Get the custom icon pack HERE
3. Download and Unzip the package.
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There was a new SummerBoard theme – SpaceCamtessa – that I decided to give a try. When I first installed it, I’m wasn’t sure I liked it. Well, after some tweaking, I decided I would keep it around for a while. Which means you guys get to see it too! I personally wasn’t big on the Theme’s Wallpaper or Dock. So, I turned off the Theme’s Wallpaper and Dock in SummerBoard and turned on the reflective Dock that I love so much (using Kate). Much better! However, there was another issue, the Text icon was still stock. So, I did the first thing I always do when a Stock app’s icon is not working in a Theme, [Read more…]
This is the version of SummerBoard Doug has been waiting for!! Version 3.2 fixes the issue where you were unable to install more than 80 apps on your 1.1.3 or 1.1.4 iPhone! So, upgrade and install away!
SummerBoard has been updated to support 1.1.4. Brooke tried to update her 1.1.1 and got a warning saying 1.1.3 or higher is required. It updated fine on my 1.1.3. Let us know how it’s worked for you in the comments!
iPod Touch Fans have added a 1.1.3 SummerBoard themes fix called “1.1.3 Theme Fix” to their repo. It can be found in Installer.app under the category “Tweaks (1.1.3)”. Install it once, then every time you add a new theme through the Installer.app go to the uninstall list in Installer and “reinstall” the 1.1.3 Theme Fix, similar to how you reinstall BSD Subsystems.
This is just a code application, you will not see anything on your Springboard!
Basically it just runs the script I showed you before every time you ‘reinstall’ this app. Nice, quick, and easy for those who are scared of running a command line script. Some screen shots after the break. [Read more…]
This is what everyone has been waiting for (at least everyone on 1.1.3!)!! The update to SummerBoard 3.1-1 updates the app to work on version 1.1.3!! YAY! Note: You are not able to install the new version of SummerBoard if you are on any other FW besides 1.1.3. If you try to install it, you will just get an error saying that you cannot install it and that it is only for FW 1.1.3. Below is the screenshot:
Well…after another quick update by the developers of SummerBoard, version 3.0 is now available in the Installer.app. So, we have been through SummerBoard 3.0a11, 3.0a12, 3.0b1, 3.0b1-1, 3.0b2 and now 3.0. Does this mean that SummerBoard is no longer in alpha or beta mode and is now a full fledge app! And, as far as we can tell here at AppleiPhoneSchool.com…there are no visible changes in version 3.0. Let us know in the comments if you notice anything.
There is an update to SummerBoard in the Installer.app. However, I got nothing becuase I can’t get the package to download. I don’t know if there is an error with the app or if too many people are trying to install it at the same time. As soon as I get it installed I will let you know what the update does. Everyone needs to stop installing it so I can get it installed!! :)
There is an update to SummerBoard to version 3.0b1-1 today but we haven’t noticed any noticable changes. Let us know if you see anything.
I woke up this morning to find three new themes in my Installer.app (which is always exciting!). The new themes are Louie Mantia – Black, Louie Mantia – Holiday and Louie Mantia – Alt Colors. I will assume that because the original Louie Manita theme is one of the five that come on your iPhone when SummerBoard is installed, before installing any other sources, that these will now be among those five. They are products of Nullriver, Inc. I found that they have changed the dock in all three of the new themes, changed the icons to all black in the Louie Manita – Black theme and changed the icons (Weather, Photos, Calendar, Notes, iPod, and subtle changes to the rest of the icons) in the Lourie Mantia – Holiday theme and a few of the icon in the Louie Mantia – Alt Colors theme have been changed to different colors though the icons are the same. The themes also did not come with wallpaper. Below are screenshots of the themes. I have emailed Nullriver about the wallpaper…I will update the screenshots if an update is put out that includes wallpaper.
Also, check out our Themes page.
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During the night, SummerBoard released another update through Installer.app. Again, no noticeable changes. If anyone has any info, share it in the comments!
There was an update today to SummerBoard today and I’m not completely sure what they’ve changed yet. Maybe some back end stuff. I do remember reading on modmyifone.com about the dim wallpaper not working and I never tried it before but I thought I would see if it works now after this update. It does. Here’s some screenshots and if I hear more I’ll update this post:
I’ve upgraded to SummerBoard 3.0a11. I’ve read in the forums that turning off the “dim wallpaper” function increases stability. I had it off to begin with and have left it off for now. There doesn’t seem to be any new features but I’m assuming this is a public release for 1.1.1. I was using 3.0a9 beta that came with OneTouch. Here is a screenshot: [Read more…]
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