
InsomniaThis is the application I have waited for. When activated it allows your programs to run while the iPhone is sleeping, ie. locked. This is especially exciting for LowJack, as it will allow location reporting all the time now. Insomnia is available from Ste Packaging under the Utilities category. Once installed you will see the icon on your springboard. Tap to open it, and you will see the splash screen (see screenshot) and then it will close. Then you will notice the icon will now have a badge that says “On”. Open the app again to turn it off. Simple and easy, the way we like. :) Check out the screen shots below!

Insomnia Insomnia Insomnia Insomnia

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  1. likwidfuzion says

    Yeah, I’ve been using this for a while now. I posted about it on the ModMyiFone forums several weeks ago.

    Just remember that your battery will drain like crazy. ;)

  2. Yeah, this is a great application as long as your remember to turn it off when you are not using it :). The only application that i recommend to ALWAYS have on is Wifi and SSH, in case something goes wrong with your Ipod you can access it.

  3. Yeah…when any app runs in the background it drains your battery a lot quicker…I had an app the other day that stayed running and my battery was dead in like seriously an hour!! I hate that!

  4. it works with the TubeMX really good.

  5. Works fine on my 1.1.2 I use with my iTorrent client.

  6. it would be very nice if its works while refreshing sources

  7. Hi,
    after installing insomnia, and unistalling, it seems that the phone now wont sleep at all. even though the displays shuts the usage time is the same as stanby time…
    how do i i make him sleep again?

    • Was Insomnia Off before uninstalltion? If you left it on, the problem occurs, just install it back and switch it off if you have left it on, then try uninstalling it.

      Post back once you have done it.

  8. yes it was off when unistalling,
    but after “reset all functions” and restart it went back to “normal”, it sleeps again, so i am happy :)

  9. This thing does nothing

  10. the only reason why I installed this crap was because i thought it would work with the iRadio. I dunno if you guys noticed, but if you use the iRadio and you let it sleep for a lil while, the wifi goes off and stips playing it. I thought it would work for the wifi but ethan is right. This app don’t do anything.

  11. I have problem with imsomnia too. I am runing iphone 2.0.2 and after instaling insomnia nothing happen, I aslo run mobileterminal for download torrents, so I try to put my iphone screen off. DOESNT WORK!!!! :(((