iCopter is a game based off of the highly addicting game Helicopter. iCopter is developed by Squimmy from the iPodTouchForums. iCopter is a very early release, so expect some glitches and uncompleted things that would wouldn’t normally have in a fully completed application. When the application is started a blurred notepad will appear, I am assuming that the developer did not implement a loading screen yet. In order to start the game, just tap the screen. The object of the game is to steer a green helicopter while dodging oncoming blocks. The helicopter will automatically start to fall, in order to raise the helicopter simply tap the screen. Hold your finger on the screen until the helicopter is at the desired height then let go. If you hit an oncoming block, the ceiling, or the ground…it is game over. There is a constant ticker at the bottom that increases as long as the helicopter is in flight. You can get the application from HERE. At this point there is no repository for iCopter, so you have to SSH into your iPod/iPhone and drag it into the /Applications folder on your iPhone and change all the permission to 0755. This has only been tested with a 1.1.1 iPod Touch and a 1.1.1 iPhone so your outcomes may vary depending on your firmware/device. This is a great start for the application and I can not wait for future releases. At the bottom I just made a list of things that need to be added/changed since there is no point of naming all the problems of a first release. Also, check out the screen shots below.
Things that need to be fixed/changed: (remember very early release)
– iCopter needs a repository
– An actual loading/introduction screen.
– The ceiling and the floor during the actual game play has to be a lot more smoother, right now it is very jagged.
– Some way of knowing the helicopter crashed, like a graphic instead of just having the screen freeze.
– Easier controls, the helicopter takes a little while to react.
– The score counter has to increase faster.
– A high score table for personal use, and an internet high score table.
I have installed it via repository only…not sure which one but i have installed all sources so must be in one of them….and also i am on 1.1.4 and the app starts good without any error…
Huh…I don’t see it in any of my sources. Can you go into your Uninstall section and see what repo you go it through?
it shows in games category in uninstall and contact is nate..if tht helps…
Hi Brooke… I see that you have 14 pages on your springboard. I think 1.1.3 so far can only support a maximum of 9 pages. Not sure if there is a fix for this?
Haha…yeah, this is Sahil’s article but I took that screenshoot on my iPhone. I’m pretty sure you can only have 9 pages on a 1.1.3 and as far as I have seen…there is no fix for it yet. I will have to ask Doug if he has heard of anything.
Thank you! seems like 1.1.3 has a lot of artificial restrictions…
hi, i downloaded the file and SSHed it into my phone but it doesnt show up on my springboard. suggestions?
i did the same. however, check inside the iCopter.app folder. when i unpacked the rar it turned out to have an extra iCopter in it. iCopter.app\iCopter.app\actual files. you need only one of the iCopter.app folders ;)
oh sweet thanks
Very poor graphics. The iPhone capabilities are not used in this app.
completely agree. this looks like crap.
it is based on a classic game, only thing he can do is make things smoother. Also this is ALPHA.
Very nice ! I used SSH method and set permissions to 0755 recurcivly. Then I ran a program called Respring to restart springboard. Worked first time.. very nice.
Brook and Doug here the source for iCopter so u could get it from Installer.. nnatesters.googlepages.com/repo.xml …. Got it works great
I made 4691!!!!!!!!!!!
hi :)
i can’t get icopter to my ipod touch,
what can i do, to get it ?
me either
I made 13267 and did not cheat, but I can not get it to come up on the high score list. When I click to view high scores all that comes up in the 100 spots for the high scores is a web site that says: http://www.appulo.us free apps. What is the deal with that? I worked so hard to get that score. .
i so agree…the part where u say “Some way of knowing the helicopter crashed, like a graphic instead of just having the screen freeze” i dont totally think would really make a difference…it would just ake it look a litte better. as for the ground, yes i do agree that it should be a little smoother cuz its easier to avoid a hill than a jagged mountain.