TouchRoll is an iPod Touch specific application. Version 2.0 of this app has fixed the issue from the previous version and makes it compatible with all firmwares 1.1.1 and greater. TouchRoll adds a Camera Roll to your iPod Touch…iPhones already have a Camera Roll because they are able to take pictures. Having a Camera Roll on your iPod Touch is great because it allows you to use many applications that you could not use before like Capture. Now you can save the pictures you made in Sketches and use them as your wallpaper :). At this moment the only way to get pictures off of your iPod is to SSH into it. Overall, TouchRoll is an amazing application and it enables your iPod to use a ton of more applications. You can get TouchRoll from the iSpazio source. Screenshots below.
TouchRoll 2.0
March 25, 2008 by
you can e-mail yourself pics using the send pic app on the ipod touch. Thats if you have the mail app.
How do you use Capture on an iTouch as the needed button isn’t there?!
I tried to set Screenshots to save to CameraRoll, it doesn’t work. What advantage is there to have pictures in CameraRoll versus a normal photo folder? I still don’t get the usefullness of this..
You can download pics from safari using IMGSaver and then see them in your camera roll !!!!!!!!!!! (also works with sketches!!!)
how can i export the pics to iphoto?
when you ssh into the ipod touch, does anyone know the location/path of camera roll?