Magic8 simulates a Magic8 Ball…you know, from like back in the day! The app opens to an 8 Ball…just shake your iPhone to get a message. You can also tap the screen to get an info screen. Though, I must say that there is another app very simular to this one that I actually like a little better…it is Magic from the iApp-a-Day marathon! In Magic, once you have gotten your message…you get the option to add your own message that gets put into the database of messages…it’s pretty cool! Anyway, tangent! However, if you would rather just shake your iPhone and get a message and don’t care about the rest…you might like Magic8 better. Magic8 is availble through the source.

Actually, Magic from the iapp a day thing was pretty stupid and disappointing. Although you can input your own answer, you also get networked into everybody else’s inputs. Therefore you get answers like “Let’s go shopping” or “I like tacos.” Thanks Steve Saxon for a MUCH BETTER Magic 8 ball app :)