Version 0.6.2 of Millionaire doesn’t seems to have any visual changes that affect the play of the app. However, there does seem to be a lot more questions now! Which is very cool…I was bored of Googling movie facts (yes, I totally cheat and use Google!)! :) Version 0.6.2 also supports a few more languages making it now available in English, French, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. One update I would still like to see is the current currency at the bottom of the app! Millionaire is available through the iSpazio source.
Millionaire 0.6.2
April 1, 2008 by
I can’t find other language only english?
how can we change the language?
Mine changed to English automatically when I opened it on my iPhone. I do not see a setting in the actual app to change it. You could try SSHing in and deleting all the .lproj language folders except the one you want. That might work.
so did mine. i’ve deleted via ssh the other languages, and rebooted. now the menu is in portughese (that’s the one i’ve chose) but the questions remain in english. guess i’ll just have to wait for some new database in portughese.
good app by the way
Gewon de taal die je niet wilt gebruiken hernoemen of verwijderen en ook de db. klaar
ACtually, don’t delete anything but change the language of the iPhone and it will automatically switch to that language …
Ueah but if you want to keep your language english as system and just change the games language it’sbeter just to rename the files ;-)