iPokereval is a Texas Hold’em simulator made by Dom Cobley. iPokereval is Texas Hold’em, but you are able to control the whole game. There is no opponent, the point is to find your chances of winning and how much percent of the pot you can win. There are two hands of cards and the usual community cards towards the bottom. You can change any of the cards by swiping up and down to increase the number of the card, and left and right in order to change the shape of the card. To reveal and to hide the community cards, simply double tap. There are two percentages per hand, the first number tells you the percent chance you have of winning, the second number is the percentage of the pot you can expect to win on average. This is a great cheating, I mean experimenting tool. You can get iPokereval from the iSpazio source and check out the screenshots below.

Why isn’t there a real Texas Hold Em yet?
I have no idea, i want one so badly,
i also do not understand.. i have just jailbreaked my ipod beacuse of this iPokereval 1.0 game, but it is not even a real poker game. amazing. at last, i can poke the president…….
i want one too please hurry
*off topic* theres a new itunes upgrade 7.6.2
Played with this for a minute and it seems that the percentages are off just a bit.
Following example:
1stH – A,A
2ndH – 3,3
Community – A, 3, K, Q, 5
1stH – 0.00%, 0.00%
2ndH – 100%, 100%
These are backwards..not sure if it is percentage you will loose or win?
Really cool idea…wonder if you could use it in Vegas?
I would double check that because it works fine. You must have had the hand backwards or you just thought it was wrong. You might be able to get away with it at the Holdem tables because they allow you to liten to iPods while you play so you could use it once in a while without them knowing, but it really doesn’t help you that much. This is only good to see the odds if you know exactly what your opponent has or when the hand is over. It would have been better to put a pot odds table in the app instead. For you poker players, you will know what I mean.
where can i find I iblackjack? what is the source for ipokereval?
Design Is Very BAd
Looks like another similar app is coming at http://pododds.com .
Not sure how far along development is but the site looks nice enough.