In version 0.32 of Pysl…Whitelist, Call History and Scheduler do not work. Though, I like that it now gives you a pop-up telling you that it doesn’t work instead of leaving you wondering if it works or not. So, props for that. All the Settings seem to work like they should. I was able to enter a password…which it then make me enter every time I open the app but, that is good, you don’t want people adding number to your Blacklist without you knowing!! The Vibration, Status Bar, Alarm and SMS Privacy all worked as well. But, as cool as it is that all the setting work…I can’t get the actual app to work!! I have tried everything…on more than one iPhone!! Texts still come in like normal as do phone calls…even if the number is in my Blacklist! Also, if you open the app 10 times you will get a warning saying that you need to dontate. After talking to the developer, you can actually just tap the HomeButton and go right back into the app without donating…I’m not really sure what the deal is with that! I really wish this app would work!! It would be sooo sweet! Below is the change log via the Developer. Pysl is available through the iClarified source. Screenshots below.
Change-Log for version 0.32
– Better support for different firmware version
– international language support (actually French, English and Spanish)
– Alarm notification
– Set SMS privacy (no popup for all SMS received)
– Possibility to reply SMS from SMS history
– minor fix

After i installed this version i couldnt get any sms notifications for some reason, i just unistalled it and its all back to normal now.
i had the same problem, after installation i was not able to get any sms notification :( , though apps worked for me, i added one number in blacklist to make it private and it was working, but my other sms notification was not working.
Just install iblacklist. It works with no problem.
Where can I find that?
I installed iblacklist and it wants a password. Do you know what the password is?
iBlacklist is on but it is also a tester version, and all features don’t work on it as well.
Pysl also disabled ALL my sms sounds and notifications, so i uninstalled it and now ALL sounds (ringer, ipod music) are gone!! its like my speaker has been disabled. the phone wont even make a noise when hooked up to the computer! HELP!
happened to me also, but i never downloaded this app. i just uninstalled everythings from installer, and everything worked fine
iBlacklist works for me. New 1.5 version is stable.
i think that the worst error is when i update the program erase the numbers of blacklist, that is very dangerous haha, i hope in the next version fix this bug.
installed blacklist anyone have the password??
pass is. “1” google next time
hey guys its risk in installing this software bcaus wen u install this software u will loose all ur notification of iphone SMS so better do not install it …let it update ..n stillu want to continue using this software just go in psyl / setting / SMS Privacy – set it oFF
For those having problems with the app working. Make sure you have the 1 in front of the numbers in you contacts. This should solve the problems with text coming in unfiltered.
Same here works great..Just had to add a 1 in front of number. and it can disable the sms notification for all. it is under prefrences just turn if off
Dudes..i made a great mistake and have installed PYSL to my iphone 1.1.3 and fcukd up.Since i realize and unintsalled the PYSL my iphone is not working anymore..just the white apple logo on black display..restarr-restore-reboot absoloutly nothing works..and the worst side is i am in Kazakhstan :( there is nobody here who can fix it..DO U HAVE ANY IDEA HOW CAN I FIX THIS PROBLEM ????
Used iTune and restore it
I entered a password on PYSL 2.0b2 and now when ever i try to get back in i enter the password but im not able to click the OK button. Is as if its not clickable.
any ideas how i can remove the password so that i can get back into PYSL?
That its happening to mee too, did you get the solution? I Thing this could be because is a to digits pass. Thats what i think.
I have found that the red button didnt have the push efect. So it apears that it didnt work…
The actual problem is that the password is wrong. A simple but destructive way to reset it is deleting the pysl database. It is located at /private/var/mobile/Library/Pysl
If you didnt understand what to do with this hint you cant do it by your own.
Can anybody helpme!!!?