Ringtones has some new features since the last time I did a review of it! When you first open the app…the lower portions of the screen is a little messed up. It is weird…one version it looks fine and the next it is messed up. When you select Start Converting, there are now two options; Direct ringtones or Edit and convert ringtones. Direct ringtones allows you to select a song from library and it will automatically make it into your ringtone. You do not have to do any converting or editing! This would be really sweet if I could get it to work!! But, I tried and tried and I couldn’t get it to work. In the Direct Ringtones feature you also have the option to turn on/off Ringtones and Stars Effect.
You do still have the option to edit and convert ringtones manually. I did notice that when you go into Edit and Convert Ringtones and it shows your disk space available…if you go back home and then go back into Edit and Convert Ringtones…it doubles the information instead of overwriting it (see screenshots below). I also noticed that the developer forgot to update the version number on the apps Main Menu…but, that happens sometime! Other than that, it seems to function the same as in the previous version. Ringtones is available through the Skrew source.

Yea, this program works as advertised and I like it very much. Good find!
I couldn’t get Direct ringtones work either….
How do i get more space in my dev disk 1??
Direct Ringtones won’t work, probably because we can’t make an mp3 our ringtone?
What I also learned is that foreign lettering screws up the ringtone playing.
My question (that may be off-topic) is: Where is the Custom Ringtones folder? Like, the ringtones you upload from your iTunes to your iPhone?
why do you have that font? is that times new roman?
Will it ever work with firmware 1.1.1???
why in the world are you still on 1.1.1?
there’s really no reason for it.
It works on 1.1.1 u have to install a rigtone patch from bigboss.but i recommend u upgrade to 1.1.4 using iliberty.its great.i too was afraid but that program really is risk free.do a clean start
not had any problems, works fine on my 1.1.4
wats ‘star effects’ in this new version?
Also wat does ‘enable ringtones’ mean?
How to remove the ringtone that you have created if you find out you have key in the wrong name or for whatever reasons.