There was an update to version 0.0.2 on ClickOnce today. However, based on my experience with it…I would say do not install it!! It made my iPhone crash massively! After I installed ClickOnce and then closed Installer, my iPhone tried to respring (like it always does after installing an app) and it got stuck in a loop. I saw flashing white screens, scrolling white lines, and all sorts of other crazy things. I had to SSH in and delete the app. So, I would hold off for now. If you already installed it…let me know how it went for you! ClickOnce is available through the iPhoneCake source.
ClickOnce 0.0.2
April 21, 2008 by
ok well NOW i know why I am stuck in a loop and had to restore 3 times :( Is there a command line i can use in winscp to kick my phone out of a frozen ( apple logo or circle of death ) state? I searched everywhere for some tips because it seems everytime I complete a set up my iphone crashes or gets stuck. I have restored this brat 8-10 in one month :( its soooooooooooooo annoying.
I deleted the app and I still have the darn apple starting to hate it!!!! and im on the verge of getting an im not so sure :(
Well, certainly don’t judge APPLE when you are having problems with a jailbroken phone and apps. ;-) The mac and the iphone work great the way apple made them. ( They just don’t do everything we wanted ) I have no problems with my iphone, but I tread carefully. I don’t add an app or do an update until I’ve heard from enough people that it works. Remember, these are not being made by big companies with a good QA program.
This is off the topic, but I would also like to find out the WinSCP Terminal command that deletes a specific application.
I’m having this problem with Caterpillar clashing with summerboard/customize and and freezing my phone. I’m sick of restoring. Thanx
already had trouble with the click-once 0.0.1…
first it wouldn’t show, when using ipod.
and additionally, when i tapped “sms”, it would always go back to an sms i have written ages ago, still showing the text, as if i wanted to continue writing. i got so annoyed by that, that i uninstalled the program and decided to refrain from installing it again, until it doesn’t seem to make trouble again and also allows to be easily switched off.
after uninstalling, a message appeared, that i should reboot the phone. i did not do so and have luckily had no problems since then…
When you use ClickOnce, it does not act like the Home button like you expect. ClickOnce does not suspend the process (e.g. hitting the Home button to “minimize”), but it actually kills the process (e.g. holding down the Home button until the app “closes”). That’s why when you open the SMS program, it goes back to an SMS you may have written a long time ago since if you used ClickOnce, it doesn’t save the state of the app.
I know Apple is outstanding. I am just so tired of restoring and it seems that everytime I finish it ALL ..something happens. I find it hard to understand that with all the talent out there no one has developed an easy way to unfreeze / reboot via ssh. I am going to be even more careful with my apps. I read your page daily to get reviews , however more often than not..ive already done the damage that you are so kindly warning us about.
the auther’s iphone is on 1.1.3 and according to what he said it works on 1.1.3. Problems have been reported on fw 1.0.2 and 1.1.4. if u install apps that are still in their alpha or beta, u should take your own risk.
I think that Apple dont want that you Jailbreak your phone, by the way, I had before mine on 1.1.1 with more than 150 apps running, and now with more than 180 and I have only restore once for upgrade to 1.1.4. Is Apple guilty?
this app is important for me because my home button is not working thank you!
clickonce 0.0.1 is running fine. upgrading frm 0.0.1 to 0.0.2 is also running fine. however, installing 0.0.2 directly did screw up my phone..
i wondering i u can send me the ? pls help me, my home button is crash. thank you
please send me the ClickOnce button… in this sourse says “package download failed” … pls… i really need him, my home button are stocked (srry my bad english). Pls help
excuse me, do you know the another source ?
this source ( is not allowed to use..
please let me know changed source. thank you.
I found it here ..
but don’t know how to install it and its version 0.03 …