I just finished rejailbreaking my iPhone using WinPwn 1.0. I was surprised at how painless and quick the process was! Below are instructions on how to jailbreak using WinPwn 1.0.
1. Download version 1.0 of WinPwn from HERE.
2. Unzip the file and save it to your computer.
3. Open WinPwn on your computer.
4. Once WinPwn was open, select the Browse .ipsw button and find the 1.1.4 restore file on your computer. (If you don’t have it you can download it HERE. You will want to download it and save it to your computer before you select Browse .ipsw)
5. After it has finished importing the firmware, select iPwner and waited for it to do it’s thing. (Note: WinPwn should give you a pop-up telling you to put your iPhone into restore mode…you will want to do that. To put your iPhone into restore mode, just hold the Home button and the On/Off Switch until you get the connect to iTunes symbol.) This will take around two minutes. You will not see anything on your iPhone but, you will see it do a few things in the WinPwn application on your computer.
6. When that is finished, select IPSW Builder. This is where you build the new firmware that iTunes then uses to restore your iPhone.
7. Once you have selected iPSW Builder, you will want to go into the System category on the right and selected Installer, BSD Subsystem and OpenSSH. You can choose other applications that you would like added to your iPhone or even other sources. However, you have a limited amount of space. I personally only recommend adding Installer, BSD Subsystem and OpenSSH.
8. Once you have chosen your applications, you can choose your Boot Logo. You can do this by selecting the Custom Image Tab at the top of WinPwn and then checking the Use Custom Pictures box. You can then either browse their selection of Boot Logos by using the Search Online options or, you can create your own and then choose that file off your computer by using the Boot Logo option. I chose the later. Doug created a Boot Logo for me that has a pink apple and the AppleiPhoneSchool logo at the bottom…it’s really cool!
9. After that, you can choose the Restore Logo you want. I just chose one from their selection using the Search Online option but, you can create your own if you would like. You just add it the same way as the Boot Logo.
10. Now, THIS IS IMPORTANT!! You will want to go into the Advanced tab in WinPwn and set up your iPhone. If you are with AT&T you will want to UNCHECK the Activate iPhone option. The Activate iPhone option is for those of you who would like to fake activate your iPhones. If you are with AT&T and do not need to unlock your iPhone to a different carrier….you should not have any boxes checked in the Advanced tab!
11. Ok, now select Build .ipsw at the bottom. This will create your custom firmware. It will take around five minutes to do this. Once it is finished it will give you a pop-up where you can choose where you would like the new firmware to be saved and rename it. I renamed mine to Brooke-iPhone so that I knew it was my personal custom firmware. It will take around 5-10 to build the new firmware. When it is finished you will get a pop-up saying that the IPSW was successfully created.
12. Once it was finished building the new firmware, you can go into iTunes and selected Restore while holding down the shift key. This allows you to choose the file you would like to restore to. Find the file that you just saved to your computer that you created using WinPwn. Note: You will want to put your iPhone into restore mode before you do this step. To put your iPhone into restore mode, just hold the Home button and the On/Off Switch until you get the connect to iTunes symbol.
13. After iTunes is finished Restoring, you will have Installer on my SpringBoard! YAY! I then went back into iTunes and continued the Restoring process so that I could restore all my emails, SMS, Notes…etc from my last backup. The only sad part is that my iPhone looks so empty! Time to start reinstalling apps!! YAY!
I know this seems like a tedious process but, the whole thing only took me around fifteen minutes or so and most of that time was just waiting for WinPwn and iTunes to do their thing. It was really very simple! Let me know in the comments if you have used version 1.0 or WinPwn and what you thought of it!
I thought you had to something with an iTunes dl or something. Do you?
nope it has it in the package now
If I place additional apps in my ipsw is there any way for installer to check for updates for these apps
i think so…
Yes, the apps will be Installed just like normal. You will see the updates for them in the Update section of Installer.
That is a VERY good question. Do the Apps show up in Installer’s Uninstall list, or are they just on there? That’s the real way to make sure.
Yes, they show up in the Uninstall list.
it shows up in the Installer’s Uninstall list. I just used winpwn.. :D
I’m soo happy for u Brooke coz you now have a fresh iphone!!! :D
I have a JB 1.1.3. Originally a 1.0.2 then jailbreak it to 1.1.1 –> 1.1.2 –> 1.1.3
could I use this to jailbreak to 1.1.4?
Yep…but you will have to down load the 1.1.4 firmware to your computer first. Then just follow the steps above.
Yes, you can.
And you should! :-P
Pwnage rulez (at least on a Mac)
Sure… but before, remember to restore to 1.1.4 and have the 1.1.4 FW file to build your custom FW.
It is asking for .NET Framwork. i have no idea what is this or where to upgrade it
just search on net for .Net framework2 and download…..there is no problem in installing this
Hi i did the winpwn all good but swirlyMMS and remote note are not working can anybody help me please !
i have a jb 1.1.4 iphone can i pwn it right away or do i have to restore it first??
You create the custom firmware using WinPwn then use that to restore. So, you Pwn first then restore through iTunes.
yes, just download the default 1.1.4 ipsw
great steps worked perfect for me, just one question though. my mail app wont open up it just keeps crashing do you know how i may fix this? thnks
Huh…my mail is working fine. I will have to look into it.
dl boss prefs, then use fix userdir permissions. should stop mail from crashing :)
nope still doesn’t open, i have no idea whats going on
Did you uncheck Activate in the Advanced Tab (if you are with AT&T)?
yea i did, and nvm i fixed it by setting permissions to 777
install ‘youtube activator 1.1.4 (2)’ …
Hey Brooke do you or doug have an actual email address I have a few detailed questions id like to ask
Help@appleiphoneschool.com…we will get that.
So what is your feed back Doug on the way the phone works now? In comparison to Ziphone?
Hey thanks for the instructions…one question…how many apps can u pre-install?
It is based on space…so, you can do as many as you would like until the space is full.
Isn’t it a bad idea to restore from the old backup in iTunes. If I remember correctly the FAQ at hackint0sh.org does not recommend to restore from a backup. It can screw the iPhone. They recommend that always setup the iPhone as NEW when itunes detects it after firmware restore. I am sure I am right.
Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Look at the fourth question from top.
It’s not the jailbreaking that’s tedious, it’s reinstalling the ~190 packages I have installed, plus reconfiguring any manual modifications (I have a lot of custom sounds set up, for example, some of which aren’t, or at least weren’t, accessible through Customize either).
Just doesn’t seem to be worth it when I’ll be buying the next iPhone in (hopefully) a few weeks.
you should use an program called iBackup. Google it.
I used the last beta, and I had to many problems. Probably all my fault, but still :-). First time i booted it froze, restored 2 times, and went very slow. DO NOT ADD TO MANY APPLICATIONS
If you have an ipod touch, i recommend ziphone, nothing to lose, and faster.
What’s the point if ziphone can do the same thing and in 4 minutes? The only thing I see that’s “nice” is the custome boot logo..
I am missing something?
you can still change boot logo by unziping the firmware and change the bootlogo picture… What pwn is a very nice interface that will do all this for you without going trough the unzip, rename, etc that I did!! Its just very cool!
Ok 4 min the first time the next time you require to restore probably 10 min in restoring to original ipsw and 4 min to cracking = 14 min the next time again 14 min….
But if you pwn it once and have the custom ipsw file all the next time will be only restore only no need of pwning….. so all the next time it will be only 10 mins :)
No need of doing anything more than just choosing the ipsw file in restore and you will have a hacked version in the first go.
There are other flaws too in ziphone method but since you wrote about time so I am just focusing on time :)
I would highly recommend that you load Installer, OpenSSH, Cydia, and Fake BSD Subsystem. BSD is broken in many ways that Cydia fixes (don’t even get me started on it).
another question i had is what r the benefits of pwning an iphone… i think changing the boot loading screen is awesome and just that makes it pretty worth it but what else does it allow a person to do… my phone is jb 1.1.4 and working perfect i jus didnt want to have to restore my phone and redownload the apps if thats the only benefit of pwning… could u guys please give me some feedback
Dude you can change boot
logo without pwn email me at aalanskrazyworld @ gmail I’ll help you!
if you have a perfect working copy why do you want to restore ?
If you in any case have to restore then give pwnage because its the best hack available and it does not require you to degrade your bootloader from 4.6 to 3.9. ZiPhone and most other hacking tools automatically without you permision degrade your bootloader to 3.9 .
Other is ziphone is a dangerous tool to use check this out
I’ve picked up a few lines from the post there :-
Ziphone’s brute force 1 pass ramdisk method can lead to memory corruption and destruction of your wifi calibration tables and/or baseband in general, and it downgrades your bootloader without asking, iLiberty’s 2 pass method has a lower risk of memory corruption but can sometimes cause errors with permissions for files and doesn’t include installer, just cydia, but it is safer.
Pwning your phone doesn’t interfere with the ramdisk, so you have no risk of corrputing memory on your phone.
It’s asking for .NET Framework blah blah blah. I have no idea what is this. Same for ZiPhone.
What can I do? I really like to have 1.1.4
.Net Framework is an official Microsoft add-on to Windows – get it from microsoft.com downloads section.
Almost all the latest windows tools made using c#.net will require the presence of .net framework because C# code compile into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) using MSIL compiler. Which will require the the JIT compiler to compile into the machine level.
Probably microsoft is tinking of taking its presence to all OS so the 2 level compilation.
I downloaded the firmware but there’s no .ipsw file in there. Do I have to convert all those files into one or what do i do to get winpwn to read them
me too please hep my ipod i screwed andf i want to try this pleaase!
oh i fix it just download agin and it will apear with a itunes symbol
I downloaded winpwn and proceeded to rejailbreak but got to step #10 on your intructions and ran into a roadblock. There is no ”Advanced tab in WinPwn”. What’s the deal?? I obviously don’t want to proceed any further. Please help!!
Nevermind…Bonehead move on my part…just pwned my iPhone….so far so good!
i cant find the advanced tab HELP!!!
I don’t know why I can’t restore the custom firmware while in DFU mode.
I just added Cydia to the applications, and Activate, Neuter & Unlock in the Advanced tab.
I can do it by just pressing shift + restore in iTunes, but not DFU mode.
It would have an unknown error (-10)
My iTunes version is, Winpwn version is RC1
Please advice
Can I use Winpwn if my iphone was previously jailbroken with iLiberty+?? I am on jb 1.1.4.
Is there something I need to know before doing this? I have never done this before myself?
Can I rejailbreak with Winpwn when my iPhone was previously jailbroken with iLiberty+??
Is there anything I need to know before starting jailbreak? I have never done this before myself. :-/
Thanks alot.
I downloaded WinPwn and was ready to go – but there’s a problem: I import the .ipsw – no problem. I select iPwner, and despite what Brooke said, I DID see a number of things happening on my device – however, it completed, and WinPwn said it finished okay. Next, I selected IPSW BUILDER – WinPwn just hangs and doesn’t open anything. I’ve tried several times – and I’ve left it for HUGE intervals of time. I can’t seem to get any further – anyone know why? I’d love to get this thing pwned.
Hi Brooke, at step 5 after selecting iPwner it says that not in recovery mode and cancels the process. Is it ok to put into recovery mode manually at this step and continue.
currently running at 1.1.4.jailbreaked and unlocked fw
Yes, you will ned to put your iPhone into recovery mode….just hold the home button and lock button until you see the connect to iTunes symbol.
Hey. Dohn’s problem is also my problem and now my iPhone screen is just black. What to do, I need help?!
i thought Doug gave this technicals instructions lol…sorry Brooke.
I did it with ease …it was very easy to follow through.
Thank You Brooke, you and the crew are wonderful
Works GREAT!
My Ziphone runs now on BL4.6, BB 04.04 and 1.1.4 i´ve added some more apps and all of them running fine ;-) restore in 15 minutes
love it !
You updated the bootloader to 4.6 in the Advanced Tab?
Yes, you have to add both bootloader 3.9 and 4.6 files first
then mark the update box then mark the upgrade to 4.6 box.
and be sure that you mark the other boxes also, activate, baseband update, bootneuter, unlock and autodelete.
there is an image for it. http://i25.tinypic.com/2it3m04.jpg when you´d like to update to 4.6 BL you have to set the mark there (on the pic it´s not set!)
works fine on my iphone
should I do a fresh restore to 1.1.4 before i do anything? I previously had unlocked with 3.9 FB and jailbreaked using iLiberty+, so I would need check all the nessecesary unlock options on WinPwn correct?
Also if I install cydia as one my sources on my custom firmware, will I need to install fake BSD Subsystem?
I have pwn the iphone. When i click on ispw builder, it says cannot access to internet. I have tried using another com, same problem…anybody can help me?
It messed up my iphone.
It didn’t want to restore saying some kind of unknown error.
Oh well.
I have iTune version
Would that be the problem?
Error message is (1604)
mh iam running on iTunes 7.6.2 an winpwn works with no problems.
Hi Brooke,
You did this on a Windows computer or in a Mac?
The program is called WinPwn-> Win stands for Windows…
iPhone 1.1.4 4A102 Restore…..Is that the one i download to use with WinPwn?
Where can I find my restore file?
in the folder where the source FW-file is stored before, or the folder you have choose to save
I see the option to Upgrade to 4.6<Update bootloader<Neuter bootloader 3.9/4.6<Enable Baseband update. Do I select any of those boxes since I have used Ziphone before?
will this wok on 02 in uk??
yes mine worked
Hey, I see the option to Upgrade to 4.6<Update bootloader<Neuter bootloader 3.9/4.6<Enable Baseband update. Do I select any of those boxes since I have used Ziphone before?
hey brooke just wondering why you had to re jailbreak? did iLiberty mess your iphone up or something? i used iLiberty and now im having problems with my iphone.
found it very very simple and I’m only 14.
I bought the iPhone in November and had 1.1.1 on it. I dont know which the original firmware was. Is it important in anyway?
The thing is, until now the shop provided me with free service. So all upgrades and fixing were done by him. Im soon leaving this country and would like to learn to jailbreak on my own : (
Im on 1.1.4 currently. If i attempt to restore, are there things i need to know, or simply follow the above rules? Like OTB version or something, do i need to know those?
Anything else? : /
Oh also, which is the best jailbreaking method currently (simplest) ?
Thank you. : )
Hi, I just ubnlocked my iPhone, but it doesn’t work with my cell phone network. Please, tell me what to do?
the same happened to me! I posted about it on the forum but no one has replied. I just restored and jailbroke with iLiberty+ for now.
In the advance tab, what do I select if my iphone is 1.1.3 originally a 1.0.2.??
Any help is appreciated.
Hi brooke….
When I am using winpwn to create custom .ipsw file but its not working. Can u tell me how I can create custom .ipsw file with winpwn? bcauz I am doing same steps as you shown above……..
Thanks & Regards,
i followed all the steps…towards the end when i was already in itunes and after the message preparing iphone for restore, an error message of an unknown cause was displayed. i patiently repeated the steps to no avail…pls help
I just finished jailbreaking my iphone 1.1.4 and upon finishing and rebooting, itunes says the sim card is not readable.??????
If I’m with at&t and choose to jailbreak my phone, will I still be able to dowload songs in itunes? also, I have the 1.1.4 verson currently on my phone – do I need to downgrade my version in order to jailbreak it and if so, how?
hey! this worked great. but i got a quick ?. can u update a custom firmware with like a new boot screen if you wanted to?
oh wait spoke too soon :). it looked all good until the process finished and none of the apps i put on there showed up! no installer, open ssh, or bsd. help plz?
How do upgrade to the newest version of Installer On my Iphone 1.1.4?
Do I need to update throught Itune the jailbreak and unlock?
thanks for the help