TimeCapsule 0.34b2

TimeCapsule A quick update to version 0.34b2 of TimeCapsule fixes the issue from the previous version in which you were not able to back-up VNotes. After updating, VNotes was in the list on applications that could be backed-up and I was able to create a back-up of it. TimeCapsule is available through the databinge source.

TimeCapsule 0.34b2 TimeCapsule 0.34b2 TimeCapsule 0.34b2

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  1. iambored8908 says

    I wish I hadnt paid for this when it first cam out. The app is great but not helpful (for me) when I restore. I use iphone pc suite which is awesome and free.

  2. I just read a review of iphone pc suite. How does that app help you backup your 3rd party apps? The review I read was one month old, but it didn’t seem you could install apps successfully, or better yet, backup the data those apps use. Am I missing something?

  3. Snipes300 says

    I install the update but installer still says I need to update it and wont go away. I tried restarting the ipod but it was still there.

    Plz help

  4. cool_guy says

    yeah.. i would like to know what is the best app out there to back up my iphone… it will be handy when we need a restore…