posted about some code found in the Brasilain version of Apple’s website. It has the code for showing the iPhone tab on the home page. I thought I’d take a look and see if it was still there and it is:

If you notice the at the beginning and end, this tells the browser to ignore this info in between. All they have to do is take those out and the iPhone tab becomes live. I checked another countries websites to see if the code was just in every site… it wasn’t there. Here’s the code from

This code with the iPhone info does however appear in and
This is strong evidence to support that Canada, Brazil and Mexico will be getting the 3G iPhone but if you notice the comments on MacRumor’s site, readers note this has been in the code for a while. Someone even posted about it in their own forum back in August of 2007. Hopefully this still means the sites with the code will get the iPhone. Why would some have it and others not? Hopefully we’ll see Monday!
woa! i didnt noticed ’bout that info on the page code, thats great! im from mexico and well i got tired waiting for iphone on here so i brought first an 8gb one and then got a 16gb xD and cannot w8 anymore for the 3g to be on stores, so i can sell mine (n.n) hoho! btw i’m a big fan of ur page brooke, its great! ‘gratz! i always take a look at it to get stuff for my iphone LoL (x_X)
In website of AppleĀ“s Spain no found this code…
1 more day
I say we better w8 and see what happends with the iPhone. I hate all this roumours. One more day and we will find out. I’m from Romania and can’t wait to buy this 3G iPhone……so come on Jobs give us what we need!
yeah.. it’s true we’re going to have iphones in Brazil..
I’m Brazilian and about 3 weeks ago we had on all newspapers an article saying that one of our biggest carriers (Claro) already bought from apple the rights of selling the iphone…
they said they are going to sell it here from the second semester on…
if any of you know how to read portuguese, here is the article:,,MUL462543-9356,00-DONA+DA+CLARO+FECHA+ACORDO+PARA+TRAZER+IPHONE+AO+BRASIL.html
there are another articles on the same website saying that other countries in latin America will have the iphone too…
I . Can’t. Wait . For. Tomorrow.
Stupid hype >(
Is there a link where we can watch the Apple keynote tomorrow live on pc??
2nd question: at what time does the keynote start?
I don’t know where you can watch it live, but apple iphone school will be posting an article on how they will be covering it, and as for the time 10 am PST, 12 pm CST, 1 pm EST has it too
1 more hour for the 3G iphone but I’m going to wait one week to buy it and today i saw an ad of sprint the killer of the iphone at the movies and a new LG phone whit video chat from at&t but i think the winner is going to be….. The 3G
What movie did u see ? Do you remember?
Abou sane