There have been a few Calculator mods in the Installer lately. So, I thought I would pass them along to you. I personally am not a bing fan of any of them…but, you might be! All of them are avialable through the source.
A8stract Calculator Skin:
Calculator Skin – Blue:
Calculator Skin – Green:
I use a mod i had to SSH but its the Buuf2 one u guys did a review of. On the modmyifone forum post he has up he has it there and its the COOLEST calculator mod ive ever seen. =p guys should check it out.
1st one is the best
I use the leaf skin (summerboard theme) for the calculator which is VERY cool! You can find it here
One of the coolest themes around!!
Don’t like all of them I used Switcher >.<
wow those are all terrible o_O (first one isn’t BAD but it’s called abstract and it’s not abstract at ALL)
why not include pwoper calc skins like the badge one or something
Hi I’m A8stract Calculator Skin creator… So there is wrong not abstract but correct is A8stract Summerboard Theme…