It has been a while since I have done a post sharing a few of my favorite SummerBoard themes. So, I thought I would give it a shot. All of these themes can be installed via Installer or MMiThemer. I did this to keep it simple. I might do another post with my top ten SummerBoard themes that have to be downloaded and SSH’d in.
Below is the list of my current top ten themes and how to get them. Note: Some of these themes are tweaked to my liking…they may have a different dock or wallpaper than the original theme.
10. Realize – MMiThemer
9. Chalkwork – MMiThemer
8. Buuf2 – Installer: ModMyiFone
5. The Lonely Tree – MMiThemer

4. Leaf – Installer – Installer: ModMyiFone

3. iRobert’s – MMiThemer

2. Fresh – Installer: ModMyiFone

1. Reveal – Installer: iSpazio

you know, you should try . All great themes originate from there ;) HF
Mh, iam just wondering why, Louie Mantias Themes Agua, Buuf, Neue are not listed.
The Lonely Tree is just “Louie Mantias Buuf” with another Dock and Wallpaper
What do you use in order to make your dock reflective and able to contain 5 icons – Kate?
that is something even i wud like to know??
thats Kate, but Kate makes sometimes problems. depends on your installed apps if it works
I’m using a five icon dock courtesy of Freeboard. Download it and you too can have five icons.
Dahlmann I forgot to add that you MUST always remove the fifth icon from your dock before changing back to the four icon dock. You know, hold an icon until they start to move and drag it from the dock!
i like the Reveal theme….but does someone have the template file for making it since i wud like to convert all the icons of other apps i use to this.
i´ll hope that somebody will extract the reflective dock from Kate an make a single app with it.
the complete kate is for me to dangerous to use, some major problems in the last weeks.
Yeah, that’s what I’ve been looking for aswell, since Kate is a total no-go for me, last time I installed it and the trial version timed out I ended up having to restore my iPhone completely, after trying to uninstall it.
I know Freeboard can be used in order to gain the 5 icon dock, but it’s really the reflective thing I’m hooked on – also, Freeboard crashed my iPhone aswell..
you can made this reflection very easy in Photoshop ;-)
1. Take a Screenshot from iPhone Desktop
2. Pull out the icons from SMB to your desktop who are placed in the dock, also the dock background.
and create your reflection… i don´t explain it here detailed, it´s to long ;-)
3. return the new dock to SMB Theme and replace it
It works when you don´t change your dock icons every week.
I honestly haven’t used anything other than BlackJainDim since I installed it months ago… It’s always the cleanest on top of any wallpaper that I choose to use. <3
i wish reveal would get more icons =/
Downloaded Reveal through Customize (That one has alot of icons, atleast I think so) and I’m having a hard time setting my own personal background, well, actually I can’t, and that’s how it is with every Customize theme I add. Is it just me doing something wrong, or can it really be that when using a Customize theme, you can’t pick your own wallpaper?
I love A8stract Theme… I have it from first day… :)
Leaf is my favourite. It has more than 300 icons
4. Leaf – that looks really nice. I hope I will get it installed after I get an iPhone :)
brooke, have you tried badge by theappletree(the person who made reveal) it’s SOOO cool. please check it out. if you do, i guarantee, it’ll skyrocket to your number 1 spot! link:
Lol – 10 good examples on how to make a brilliant interface ugly..
Agua rulez!
I believe it’s just the poster’s poor taste my friend. lol
I personally don’t like themes at all. Does that give me bad taste? Uh, no. It’s called having an opinion. Get used to it.
My favorite is Retext
neue theme is the best, also theme 84. theme 114, theme 102 and theme 113
These have all just been 1-upped: Check out Vending Machine (new as of July 3) and tell me that you can resist it!
Best. Theme. Ever.
i love agua and buuf2
You should check out cake and 3G. Those are amazing.
i think u cant judge on betaaaaaaa app !!!!
i downloaded 10. Realize – MMiThemer and my iphone went frozen @@@
Realize is nice, i was about to ask how to get it without using MMIThemer when you said that.
And im bit afraid now because ive installed the adobe icons theme and my phone went into that spinning animation forever on the black screen, had to restore and all that boring stuff…
i really dont like the other themes. for me realize has always been my favorite since i got my iphone long time back. i have customized most app icons in that theme to my liking. i m trying reveal now, which is good but a little difficult to read.
What about Stickers?!?!
Is there anything for winterboard on firmware 3.0, i cant find MMiThemer anywhere!