MMiThemer 0.25Beta

MMiThemer The update to version 0.25Beta of MMiThemer does doe make any visual changes to the application that I notice. It does seem like the ModMyiFone forum loads nicer but, that could just be me. Let me know in the comments if you notice anything else. MMiThemer is available through the ModMYiFone source.

MMiThemer 0.25Beta

MMiThemer 0.24beta

MMiThemer The only visual change that I notice with version 0.24beta of MMiThemer is that the icon has been changed back to the icon in which the application was released with, a transparent icon. Let me know in the comments if you notice any other changes. MMiThemer is available through the ModMyiFone source.

MMiThemer 0.24beta MMiThemer 0.24beta

MMiThemer 0.21Beta

MMiThemer MMiThemer 0.21Beta continues to try to work out some of the bugs in the application. The update does fix a few bugs which will hopefully get the app working for a few more of you. There are no visual changes to the application though I did notice that the themes installed using MMiThemer now show up in SummerBoard, Customize and Kate. MMiThemer is available through the ModMyiFone source.

MMiThemer 0.21Beta

MMiThemer 0.20Beta

MMiThemer The update to MMiThemer version 0.20Beta should fix the issue quite a few of you were having with themes not showing up in SummerBoard. I cannot tell you for sure if it fixes the bug because the previous version of this application worked for me. You will have to let me know in the comments if this fixes the bug for those of you having issues. For the rest of you in which the previous version worked, [Read more…]

MMiThemer 0.19Beta – Full Review

MMiThemer Ok guys, I gave you a quick review of MMiThemer earlier tonight (via my iPhone)…here is the full review. MMiThemer is a theme application that allows you to easily install themes that are uploaded to’s theme download section. This application works together with SummerBoard (SMBPrefs). When you install a theme using MMiThemer…it will add it to your themes in SummerBoard. What this does is gives you access to hundreds of great themes and makes them easy to install!

When you open MMiThemer, it will open to the Home page. If you select the ModMyiFone iPhone Forums option on this page, it will bring you to an iPhone Optimized version of the forums (it opens it right in the application). Along the lower menu bar there are five other options, they include; [Read more…]

MMiThemer 0.19Beta

MMiThemer ModMyiFone has just released a seriously sweet application. MMiThemer is a theme application that allows you to easily install themes that are uploaded to ModMyiFone’s theme download section. One you have installed MMiThemer, you can go in and view Featured Themes, Popular themes, Latest themes, see the Themes you have installed using MMiThemer, Search for a theme and go to the Home page. To install a theme, just click on a theme and then select Install. Once you have installed a theme, it will be added to your SummerBoard themes in SummerBoard. To set the theme as the theme in your iPhone, [Read more…]