MMiThemer 0.25Beta

MMiThemer The update to version 0.25Beta of MMiThemer does doe make any visual changes to the application that I notice. It does seem like the ModMyiFone forum loads nicer but, that could just be me. Let me know in the comments if you notice anything else. MMiThemer is available through the ModMYiFone source.

MMiThemer 0.25Beta

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  1. i downloaded this application and i got a theme for summerboard, it was like a mac theme. i set it and my ipod froze and i cant reboot it…

    • Henry Wall says

      Hi nick

      I Had the same problem…
      Try to change the theme, I used iPhone PC Suite for that.
      Work like a charm for me.

  2. Da187suspect says

    Does anyone have a problem trying to install the SUID fix? After scrolling thru the themes, maybe around the 4th page/load, it just brings me back to my springboard.

  3. Thanks for the advice Henry. I got it fixed after I plugged it into my usb and reset the ipod then itunes restored it and it works fine now. But iPhone PC suite wont work on my computer only cause i have a mac.

  4. I have a problem, a blank page appears when i open the mmithemer. This blank page is in eaha window (featured, popular, lates, etc)

    any idea?