MMiThemer 0.24beta

MMiThemer The only visual change that I notice with version 0.24beta of MMiThemer is that the icon has been changed back to the icon in which the application was released with, a transparent icon. Let me know in the comments if you notice any other changes. MMiThemer is available through the ModMyiFone source.

MMiThemer 0.24beta MMiThemer 0.24beta

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  1. Apart from internal changes that user will not notice, there is only one minor interface change in ‘ratings’.

    Unrated theme will show rating:Unrated rather than F

  2. Loads, crashes 20 seconds later. Installed SUID, still crashes. Restored to 1.1.4 the other day >_<

  3. Adriankenny says

    Doesnt work on 1.1.4, tryed downloading then it freezes

    • Da187suspect says

      I totally agree with Adriankenny, tried this one sooo many times and it kills my phone, great app and cool idea, just wished it worked. I’d even consider paying for this if they worked out all the kinks.

  4. I tried downloading VP 3.5 and it starts to download then stops and goes back a screen then when i go to uninstall its there but if i go into SMB its not. It uninstalls fine but i just cant get it to install any ideas.

    • try to interact inside the programm when it´s downloading something. like tap and scroll the screen.

      this works on my phone and don´t crash while downloading

      but another problem is, last updated theme is from 9th of june, outdated and no more updates.