Walt Mossberg iPhone 3G Video Review

Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal has been testing the iPhone 3G for a couple weeks now and he’s posted a video review so here it is:

Watch “Walt Mossberg iPhone 3G Video Review” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

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  1. nice

  2. Where’s the “watch on your iPhone/iPod Touch” link? Do you mean I have to look it up on YouTube? OH WHAT A CRUEL WORLD! *goes and looks it up*

  3. Battery worse than the first one? Goodbye iPhone 3G.

    • I agree! This was one of the selling points apple tried to sale. I have heard all reports saying the opposite.

      Keep the 2g and upgrade software

    • Same thing here, worse battery life!! I’m off…

  4. Apart from the 20secs of battery and contract information, he just repeated Apple’s presentation :P :P

    Say, does anybody know, if you need some kind activation for the new one? Like for countries where its gonna hit later, we can buy it off the grey market :D Anybody with info?

  5. thanks walt, you further confirmed why my old gen iphone is still better, i have all the things you mentioned and more. loving the oldy

  6. – if you want it for GPS, then do not worry about battery, because you can charge it while you using the GPS in the car!

    I will get one as soon as I can, but I can’t see a huge deal between the 3G and the old one! honestly I like the steel back rather than the black plastic. and that’s because the GPS radio and 3G antenna can be conflict with metal!

    anyways… we gotta wait 2 more days and find out ourselves … ;)

  7. worse battery? Aple on WWDC said that it will be better :'( We will find out in 2 days…

  8. the internet speed is 5 or more faster than the original?… it is only twice

  9. WOW…I agree….Apple on WWDC said that battery life would be better…not worse…..what a LIE!

    I will likely stick to my original iPhone, but will still be buying a new one for the wife. She uses mine so often and wants the GPS….I just can’t say no.


  10. Apple says that they have improved battery life greatly though? They say 300 hours of standy by time. If you managed the time your on 3G networks correctly im sure that would slow battery usage down.

  11. I too was very surprised by what he said about the battery!
    It was pretty much the only thing that that got my attention about the new iPhone.

    Still keeping my 1st gen iPhone anyway like I’ve always planned ;)

  12. Well he’s using one that apple gave him a couple weeks ago, rite? so its possible he got like a sort of earlier version of the 3G, like one from when they were first being manufactured; and maybe they just gave walt one of the first that they made. So the battery life could actually be better than what he’s saying about it.

  13. Markisha says

    I knew it! If you don’t need GPS for survival :) the new 3G iPhone does nothing better! In my opinoion the old one is even better looking!

    • Markisha says

      well i did forget, there is that 3G :)
      But becouse i will not use it the new one does nothing for me!

  14. hey nice video…i got a question unrelated to the iphone 3g…but i heard about the SDK and is the AIM network gonna b free?…and also the games that come from the new update 2.0..

    and also i have my iphone jailbroken is any of that gonna affect it?

    Thank you

  15. Dude. why is it so HARD for apple to understand that we are living in a computer age where CUT – COPY – PASTE is an essential. model after model and firmware after firmware but still no word for this function plus what happened to Office products such as word, excel read and write fuction? did we just spent $399 only for fun and games??? crap i woulda just bought PSP for browsing net or playing the games.


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