Brooke’s iPhone upgraded with no problems at all. We’re gonna keep mine on 1.1.4 so we can continue to review Installer apps too. Here’s a screenshot:
UPDATE: Some people have asked how we did all of this. Here’s how I did it. First you need to go to Apple’s Website and download the new 7.7 iTunes. Remember, if you want to keep your iPhone jailbroke or unlocked DON’T UPGRADE :) So, then you need the firmware which you can get at our Firmware Page. Then just use restore in iTunes but hold the shift key when you click restore and select the 2.0 firmware you downloaded. Hope that helps!
Hold up… how did ya’ll take a screenie without snapture or an installer app?
Maybe it was an app from the store! There are 2 pages on the springboard, if u would look.
you can take screenshots by pressing home and the sleep button for 1 sec
Yeah, just hold the home button and tap the lock button and it takes a pic and puts it in your camera roll :)
It does not work I have gotten “error 1406 could not connect” everytime any help would be awesome
did you need to restore first to get rid of the jailbrake data?
Well, we did restore it to 1.1.4 first then upgraded to 2.0. We won’t know what happened to the data until we can SSH in and see what it looks like :)
Is jailbroken on 2.0?
No, we upgraded Brooke’s and left mine on 1.1.4 jailbroke and unlocked. That way we’ll have 3 different kinds of iPhones once we get our new ones tomorrow.
Hey guys!
Check this out!
i heard that the,2_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw 5A347 file is for the 3G iphone and has different hardware setup for the 3G, thus causing problems for the original 2.5G iphones that Brook has. It might corrupt her OS causing errors. I think we will be using the 5A345 image. Not 100%…did she rightclick upgrade or did itunes find the update?
Nothing a restore wouldn’t fix. And the firmware is downloadable on apple’s site. Why would they release firmware that’s made foe the iPhone 3G, before it’s release?
I’ve had 2.0 for hours now and it works fine. Locate me, YouTube, everything.
oh brooke your phone look so plain now, i was dissapointed with the free apps that was on appstore so im sticking with installer and jailbreaking.
That’s all……no data? no info? Like….do tell, pls!!
What would you like to know? We’re installing every single app we can on it so we can test them all for everyone :)
I was seriously thinking of getting the 3G tomorrow, but I don’t know if I can live with a stock phone? And it could be weeks or months before we can safely jailbreak 2.0.
I’ll admit, some of the apps are worth it. But I agree. I will miss the features of Kate, Taskbar Notifiers, Different Themes, etc…
are there any apps to customize or add themes?
No, not at all. Probably won’t be. My guess is if it ever happens, Apple would release it them selves. Not all developers want their icons changed either. My opinion is it’s our iPhones, we paid, we can do what we want with them. That’s why I jailbreak and tweak it to be unique!
yeah it would be great to tell us how
Sorry, previous articles explain all of this. Here’s how I did it. First you need to go to Apple’s Website and download the new 7.7 iTunes. Remeber, if you want to keep your iPhone jailbroke or unlocked DON’T UPGRADE :) So, then you need the firmware which you can get at our Firmware Page. Then just use restore in iTunes but hold the shift key when you click restore and select the 2.0 firmware you downloaded. Hope that helps!
hi marcus/doug,
which firmware version did you used?… it iphone1,1_2.0_5A347_restore.ispw?…did it work?…thanks
Do jailbroken apps (1.1.4 apps) work on the 2.0 with no tweaking?
Don’t upgrade unless you want to loose all your 1.1.4 apps. None will work with 2.0
Not sure yet, haven’t heard. It would be nice if they just worked once jailbroke :)
Brooke and Doug. When you upgraded, did the January Pack come with it?
We have iPhones so we already had those apps. As far as I know, you can’t get the 2.0 yet for the Touch.
2.0 is ok for now. It’s slightly sluggish and buggy when typing. But the apps are pretty awesome. Especially the Remote app and MySpace.
i agree…if it weren’t for the absolute need for push and exchange (and the knowledge that it’s the jailbreak will be public soon) I would go back to 1.1.4 jailbroken with all my apps and THEMES
Yes, I’ve had 2 apps so far crash, one does it every time I hit a certain button, for sure a bug. Still amazing apps!
Also, I love the uninstall via the springboard. It took me a while to figure that one out. Haha
I tried to upgrade but iTunes says 1.1.4 is the latest version
You have to download it manually. There is a blog post here that directs you there.
I added instructions above in this post.
Brooke did you restore before you updated or did you just go for it?
Yes we did, to 1.1.4. Then upgraded.
I did not reinstall 1.1.4. I just downloaded the 2.0 and went for it. And np so far.
Australian App store on itunes is working
I cannot upgrade to 2.0. I attempted to both, restore and upgrade. Every time I do this I receive the following error:
‘The iPod “iPod” could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (5).’
Please assist.
RE: “The iPod could not be restored.”
Are you trying to apply it to an ipod? See above – only the iphone firmware is available as of yet – no ipod firmware.
LOL… Now that would make perfect sense.
I was eager to upgrade because I would like to play Enigmo.
Aw well… I get to wait.
Thanks Dohn for reminding me to pay attention. =D
Hey Doug, when you restore/update to 2.0, do you have to be AT&T?
does it come activated? or do you have to activate it with a AT&T SIM card?
I have upgraded to firmware 2.0 – has anyone else had “old” apps remain on their iPhone?
How quickly I forget their names but the two I have are:
where you personalise the AT&T wording; &
an app that puts my appointments on the startup page.
Given I’ve already restored, any suggestions on how to remove them?
When you restore, all traces of jailbroken apps or anything gets erased. Those two apps will not work with 2.0 until they are ported over.
im doing it now as we speak
or as i type lmao!
for some reason im excited!
My 2.0 is working perfectly and it still has my custom carrier name too.
Dammit I want to update my touch to 2.0 but I dont wana pay :@
i heard it comes with GPS, is it true??
Touch firmware. Up and running, paid $0.00.
1.1.4 = much better selection of free apps
i installed 2.0 on my touch, and kept 1.1.4 on my iphone, and yeah, there are some cool free 2.0 apps, but most of the good ones cost moneys……
I keep getting an unknown error (-9838) there was an error with the iTunes store…does anyone else get that when trying to upgrade???
now my iPhone is locked and I cannot do anything with it! I am with AT&T as carrier… Please help!!!
So If I restore my phone and add the 2.0 upgrade I will not be able to unlock it?
not for a while…it shouldnt be too long unti 2.0 is jailbroken.
OK, so I downloaded the firmware from your firmware page but when I click restore (while holding shift).. no firmware! I dont know what im doing wrong.
heyy i just updated my iphone to 2.0 software, and i wasn’t aware that it would take my installer away, which i prefer more over this new app icon. Do you know if there’s anyway for me to obtain the installer again besides getting my iphone downgraded? Please email me if you know, I’d really appreciate it.
DOUGE !!!! QUICK QUESTION!!………is it safe (or recommended) to upgrade to 2.0 or higher from 1.1.4????
P.S : i don live in the USA so i’ll have to unlock,jailbreak and activate !:S
any comments or refferals will be appreciated!
peace !