If you have either a jailbroken iPhone or iPod Touch, or a unlocked iPhone, DO NOT UPGRADE if you want to keep these features. At the time this article was written and published there is no proof that the new iPhone 3G is jailbreakable or unlockable. As soon as this changes we will let you know. If you are willing to lose these features and want the App Store then you can upgrade like normal through iTunes. If your iPhone is unlocked to a different carrier, upgrading to firmware 2.0 will re-lock your iPhone and it will no longer work. You may be able to downgrade back to 1.1.4 or previous but there is no solid proof this will work yet.
If you haven’t upgraded to firmware 2.0 but for some reason you need to restore your iPhone to 1.1.4 or other firmware after the 2.0 firmware is released you can always download it from our firmware page. If you click restore in iTunes using the shift key you can select which firmware iTunes uses to restore your iPhone. Otherwise it will automatically upgrade to 2.0 for you. Keep checking back for the latest jailbreaking and unlocking info at appleiphoneschool.com/jailbreak and appleiphoneschool.com/unlock.
check the iphone dev team blog, they already have pics of pwnage 2.0, working on 2.0 firmware
this is true but those pic are for the betas while it will more than likely work with the final release of 2.0 we are not for sure yet that this has been patched…. although the dev team is certain that is is almost impossible for apple to do so
app store is online. Go to Edit>Preferences and select applications. then click refresh/get new updates and the apps appear ;)
hi. i have an ipod touch and i didn’t purchase the january update. do u think if i buy the 2.0 update, it will come with iphone apps as well?
Yes, if you pay to update to 2.0 you will get apps for the Touch.
i update to itunes 7.7 but there’s no update for my ipod. HELP!!!
2.0 is not out yet. There isn’t an update to the firmware for the device yet.
hey, does the iphone 2.0 firmware work for ipod touch?
What happens to all the space that is now being taken with the jailbroken apps if I upgrade to 2.0. Will itunes wipe it clean or will they secretly stay there. ( Specially since I moved them with the BossTool that moved fonts and app to a different folder )
I wouldn’t want that space to be wasted, and then with a non-jailbroken phone, I’d have no way to clean it up. Ideas? Thanks.
Sorry, no way to tell until we can SSH into a jailbroke 2.0 iPhone.
Optus in Aust can unlock the iphone for $80 after 3 months
So let me get this straight. I have a jailbroken iPhone that is not unlocked. If I just upgrade to 2.0 (not restore first) everything will be fine?
Staying away from the upgrade!!
I don’t want to upgrade but when i plug the phone to my computer it does it by itself right? I guess i never paid attention to this before. If so, how do i stop it from upgrading?
if yu upgrade do you keep everything you have downloaded before email me if you have an answer at alimladha8@hotmail.com
hey does the iphone 2.0 firmware that has been leaked, work for ipod?
Is there anyway of downgrading back to the 1.1.4 firmware? I didnt’ see this before I upgraded and I hate 2.0
I have a jailbroken 2G phone, if i want to upgrade to 2.0 and currently live outside the US, but in one of the lucky countries that will get to 3G iPhone. Would my phone work after the upgrade? or would it lock me out from any carrier in the country i’m in now? If any of you knows email me to: namariegaudi@mac.com
I restore my phone and i dont have attnt service its asking me to activation my iphone with insert valid sim card and I have a tmobile serivce. please advice me what should i do?