Ok, I knew that headline would get your attention. I certainly do not support hacking pay for apps to be free. But here’s the deal. All the Apps I buy on my iPhone, are downloading free on Brooke’s iPhone. We use the same iTunes account as a family so I’m sure this it why. I haven’t got a bill yet to confirm but I did get this pop up: I have confirmed that this works with many devices. We currently have the same iTunes account on 10 of our idevices.

that’s because whenever she buys it or when u buy it, it goes to the itunes server when u r on the same account. and then it traces that u r downloading the same app brooke already downloaded for money… i’m trying to put it in the easiest way i can… tell me if u understand
Right, yeah I know what it’s doing, sorry :) I guess I was just letting everyone know that this is a feature. I didn’t know this until I tried to get Super Monkey Ball for the both of us!
Wow, that sure got my attention, for sure.
same here
im sure they’re going to find a way though….
so doug, was that guy really asking for an autograph?!?
No, I was talking to my wife, I couldn’t figure out what she was saying so I said that. She was really saying to hand out more business cards :)
i guess it works in the same way that if you buy a song you dont have to buy it twice just because you have two ipods…
True, very true.
This would benefit all people using your computer, awesome!
I think its fare
2.0 update adds a contacts icon
You don’t need 2.0 I believe to have that icon. Just use a program like Poof to show that Contacts icon. I believe it is actually in older firmwares, but just hidden.
This comes with. It is on our new iPhones.
hey doug, maybe you could give us your itunes account and password so that we could get all the apps you buy for free, haha, jk
ha ha, I’m guessing it works on up to 5. Isn’t that how music on iTunes works?
eh, this kinda makes sense. but installer 4 = appstore 4 free
hey i restored my ipod today and it still seemed partly jailbroken
for one the battery on the top right isnt a battery it is a number and seconddly the top left of my ipod still says turners ipod
why is it like that
Try DFU mode first, and then don’t restore the backup in iTunes. Pick set up new.
Doug, you have already 5 pages with apps and no reviews yet…..
yea doug dont leave us hangin : )
Working on it… Remember to tell us what you want reviewed!
hey doug, what is ur estimate time on how long this BIG MESS will take to fix?
I know you didn’t ask me but I say it will be fine noon tomorrow.
Just an opinion.
Do it now. I just updated to 2.0 and it went very smoothly. Done in a few minutes … now just waiting for all my music to go back in.
its working now
i’m wondering because i wanna download ttr and it wont let me!!! :(
true dev won’t update for months
y the apple always give the ipodtouch owners a problem to download applications, upgrade, etc.. the most things is for iphone it is always free! but for us ipodtouch users, we will spend money, we will buy it! do u tink it is fair??
Can you download and install free apps without an iTunes Account?
I don’t think so…
Yes. Create an account and when it asks you for payment options click nine
Ps This is real
Hey Douglas this is cool !
And whats your iTunes login details…? :)
Would be weird if they don’t know about this? Maybe they do and are letting it happen? Maybe it will get “fixed” soon?
Stay tuned!
If they “FIX” this, i’m going to be severely peed off, i have an iPod Touch 2.0, and iPhone 1.1.4, so i want to be able to use my apps on my iPhone if i update……
Does anybody know if there is a way to back up your apps? Without syncing to iTunes, only because when i plugged in my 3G it synced with my jailbroken 1.1.4 iPhone and it does not seem to be running right. I want to do a restore but i dont want to lose my apps. OR… will iTunes know that i already bought them after the restore so i dont have to pay twice.
PS. The carrier name on my 3G changed when i did the first sync.
Thanks guys..
iTunes will keep them all in iTunes.
So let’s see……I have 1st gen iPhone and I really want to buy the texas hold em game…however I know i ll buy the 3G sometime next week…..
so i just wanna know that i will be able to sync to the new iphone without paying a penny….
yes, as long as you use the same iTunes account, you will not have to re-buy them.
waiiit so whats your itunes account?
I need my apple store back
iwant the complete steps for updating the new software version and also jail briking of iphone 4g
if anybody can help me kindly send the both steps from zero on this email adress ahsan_musazai@yahoo.com please
How high can u update iPod 1