Available In: App Store | Price: Free |
Wow, I am excited about this app! I’ve been waiting for ever. Twinkle is a Twitter client for the iPhone and you’ll notice under the settings they’ve left it open to add more services. It’s a beautiful app and laid out perfectly. You can also invite others to use Twinkle right through the app. The kewl thing is it’s not limited to just Twitter (friendfeed maybe?). You can also take a picture and send it along with your message. It gives you a link in the message so anyone can see it even if they’re not using Twinkle.
Another very very sweet feature of Twinkle is the Nearby feature. You can see other users on Twinkle within whatever mile range you set. This will need updated to include Kilometers for metric users but it’s an amazing feature that lets you see and talk to people around you. This will continue to help define the meaning of social networking.
You’ll notice in the settings tab under identity your image and username may not match your Twitter info. This is ok. This is your Tapulous Profile. If there is info there, it’s coming from Tap Tap Revenge if you’ve installed it before. You can read more about how Tapulous Profiles work by tapping help under the identity settings.
Now for some things I don’t like. First, the sounds. I was loving the birdy sounds from Twitterrific and I love the sounds from twhirl for the desktop. I’m just not feeling the sounds. Hopefully jailbreaking will let me in to change this in the future!
This Twinkle/Tapulous login/user id is quite confusing. And I’m not alone. I’m getting tweets from all kinds of people trying to figure this out. Think of it this way, Twinkle is a messaging client in it’s self, without Twitter. You can message others within Twinkle that have Twinkle. Looks like it’s just a direct message. Now throw in your Twitter profile and now you’re @replying, direct messing and who knows what! Very confusing. To make it worse, someone got my usual screen name under Tapulous when Tap Tap Revenge came out, so now in Twinkle I have a different username than Twitter. I don’t like this. Let us know in the comments how you feel about this so we can let the developers know.
On top of all that, when I first installed this app it was crashing on me when I would scroll down the list on the home tab. I would get about 3/4ths the way down and a couple user’s icons wouldn’t display and then it would close. I tried restarting the app and restarting my iPhone about 5 times. I was also getting “No Service” on my iPhone. Also uninstalling and reinstalling the app did not help.
Here’s a recent Tweet from the developer: “We’ve noticed a few bugs (in particular with @replies and with posting images). We’re working on them now!”
While writing this article Twitter went down and I noticed this nice little yellow triangle where the refresh button is. Now you’ll know when Twitter is not responding.
Overall I think I will love this app but they gotta change the Twinkle/Twitter username combo and fix the crashes before I’m committed. You can download Twinkle HERE in the App Store.
Click HERE to download Twinkle via the App Store.
This takes me one step closer to upgrading to 2.0! Love this app on my 1.4. I am assuming thy the location feature is more accurate and poss quicker if you have a 3G with GPS?
I’m getting “Could not save” when entering Twitter username and password.
Might have something to do with Twitter being down :(
Want it in my Installer!
I’m sticking with twitteriffic. I do not like the whole twinkle service and login. Then they add in Twitter as a bonus to the software. I’m not sure if it was twinkle but last night while playing with it my iPhone crashed. It will not boot and stays on the Apple logo. Now I am trying a restore this morning to see if I can get a working iPhone again.
My iPhone did the same thing. Twinkle crashed it and it was stuck on apple boot screen. Had to take it to the apple store to get it fixed. Turned out I needed to do a hard restore. Good luck!
If it happens to you again here is the info to restore yourself without going to the Apple store?
glad to finally be able to add an existing photo
I love the new Twinkle! Overall the app looks great.
I don’t think it’s working for me. It keeps saying loading all your messages, please wait a bit, but it never comes in. :-(
And I don’t even have much … just the iphone school twitter things
Same here. I get no updates, except from TwinkleKing… The note says they are working on infrastructure issues. This was an hour ago
Hello Doug/Brooke, if you have a chance, check out Twittelator – a very robust twitter client that has Summize support for twitter searches. I prefer it over twitteriffic.
I always found Twinkle to be flakey, is the App Store version better?