iPod Touch Discounts (refurbished)

Rumors are, Apple is trying to dump stock of iPod Touches to get ready for a newer version. What will the new version bring? Larger storage, microphone, speaker, camera, GPS? The refurbished prices are $199 for an 8GB, $299 for a 16GB, and $429 for a 32GB. You can pick one up at Apple’s Website.

If you want more than just a rumor, many iPhone news sites are reporting the new 2.1 firmware has referance to the iPod Touch as “iPod2,1”. Currently it’s refferenced to as “iPod1,1”. Even better, the iPhone 1st Gen was referenced to as “iPhone1,1” and is now “iPhone1,2” for the iPhone 3G. You can see it was the second number that changed. With the Touch it’s the first number that changes. Let us know what you think all of this means in the comments.

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  1. I hope it doenst mean anything. I dont want to spend money on another iPod Touch. I would prefer those features (Camera, GPS, Speakers, Micro) as external solutions that plug into the USB Port of the iPod.

    I dont think it would be that hard to accomplish that.

  2. I think it means I’ll be buying a new iPod touch in the next few months!

  3. William Shewfelt says

    I really hope there is going to be a new one, because it doesn’t cost me a thing! (parents, lol)

    I would love to see the plastic back on the back of the iPod touch because the back scratches so easy!

    GPS would be cool, but not necessary. Camera would be awesome, but speakers and mic are a necessity! I hate watching a YouTube vid only to remember that I need those crappy earbuds to hear anything.

  4. I hope it doesn’t change, this way I won’t be sad when I can’t buy the new iPod Touch.

  5. I dont want it to change either. I just recently purchased a new 16gb ipod touch and i dont want to have to get another one because it sounds so much better than the one i JUST got. This is sad if its true

  6. good point about device version #. does sound like a new generation of iPod Touch is on the way.

  7. grrr….. i’m with everyone else on the fact that apple likes to make us mad by us buying something and not telling us a better something is coming out until someone else figures out first by a code or something…. u know?

    • William Shewfelt says

      That’s business. It’s exciting to me, because my parents end up paying for everything once I persuade them.

  8. Heres what I think, with your device should come some kind of slip which enables you to get the next, better, device for free. It’s not practical but would sure please me :)

  9. iF iTs Refurbished then iT should be at least 25% off!

    -sent from my iPhone

  10. Mke maddox says

    Wow. At least it’s cheaper than a first generation iPhone.

  11. acidcloud says

    What, I just got mine, and it would be sad to see that they come out with something better so quickly. *Sigh* I guess that’s how all things are…

  12. iPod Touch 2nd generation with plastic back, 120GB, GPS, 2x camera, speaker, microphone:D haha…

    • William Shewfelt says

      exactly what i want, except i don’t think the hard drive will be that big because they use flash memory not hard drives.

  13. i hope theres a new one.. i could still return mine and get a new one if (hopefully) its cheaper

  14. I don´t like this notice, cause a get my touch 2 weeks ago and i dont spend money again for another one.. i agree to piny to external solutions for that.

  15. according to the macbuyers guide on macrumors

    Product iPod touch
    Recommendation: Don’t Buy – Updates soon
    Last Release February 05, 2008
    Days Since Update 177 (Avg = 153)
