WinterBoard Mods

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard There were a few pretty cool mods released in Cydia recently so I thought I would talk about a few of them. Each of the following mods use WinterBoard to enable/disable them. The first two I would like to mention are themes; Orange Burst and ubuntu. Neither theme seems to have a ton of icons but, if you are looking to just give your main SpringBoard page a new look, these might be for you.

The next mod I would like to mention gives you the ability to “remove” your dock labels. The app is called Transparent Dock Labels. There is also an app called Transparent Icon Labels which makes all your icon labels transparent, including your Dock icon labels. However, if you would like only your Dock icon labels to be transparent…you will want to check out this app.

The final mod I am going to mention is called Around the World in 24. This app changes your wallpaper image every hour, all day. There are 24 images (hence one an hour). All of which are very relaxing and look great under clear icons. I personally really like this one!! :) It is fun to open your iPhone and have a new wallpaper…it’s like a surprise! Below are all 24 wallpaper images.

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  1. I enjoy Winterboard, however it seems to slow my iPhone down when I read a SMS or Email. I also noticed my battery lasts longer as well. I’ve been 3 days Winterboard free and can notice the difference. I’m using a 3G handset at the moment.

    • Interesting. I guess I haven’t noticed that it slows down my iPhone but, I guess I have always had it installed. Also, I’m usually plugged in so, I wouldn’t notice the battery issue. I wonder if anyone else has noticed these issues.

    • Yes, it tends to slow things down ONLY if you’re a heavy themer. You know – the type of people who themes everything but the kitchen sink! From badges to carrier logos, from battery images to the whole theme-ing shenanigans! I only use Winterboard for “User Wallpaper”. All I need is a photo of my family in there and I’m a happy camper. No slow downs whatsoever. But as I’ve said, if you’re a heavy themer, you’re in bad shape.

    • Never feel a slowdown on mine and I’m a hardcore themer 3G 2.1

    • Honestly, even without a theme enabled winterboard still seems to lag things. I only noticed it after I uninstalled it. Maybe its time for me to do a restore and start from scratch.

    • I’ve been feeling this lagging too…
      I first noticed it when using the phone’s cam, that opening animation has slowed down a bit. also when reloading the springboard the icons take just a little bit longer to reapperar.
      The other thing is that the locking/unlocking sound gets a little out of synch sometimes :(

    • Same here. It was especially irritating using the camera app. First off starting the camera app took something like 12 seconds AND the first picture after start was almost always corrupted. Subsequent pictures were just fine though.

      Now I removed WinterBoard :( and even without restarting the iPhone (just the SpringBoard) the performance is “back” :)

  2. My co-worker notices that his iPhone is faster without Winterboard, he said he doesn’t notice the battery life all that much.

    Brooke, maybe you’re just use to it. I notice it when mostly when opening the SMS or Email application.

    • I have to agree regarding Winterboard and though it could just be jailbreaking as a whole.

      I upgraded to 2.1 as soon as it was released as instantly noticed battery and performance improvements however it has gradually get slower and slower since Jailbreaking it

      I’m seriously considering going back to start, I love winterboard, but the performance is DRIVING ME UP THE WALL.

    • Well there are also a lot of other problems as well. And it’s not just winterboard.

      Loads of people have reported that after upgrading from 2.0.1 to 2.1, that they have seen their iPhone crash and do “wierd” things.

      After updating from 2.0.1 to 2.0 my phone crashed during the first boot up and just vibrated . So I had to do a restore to 2.1 which worked and I haven’t had any problems.

      However, if you do have a 2.1 phone that you’ve upgrade from 2.0.1, try doing a full restore to 2.1 and see if it fixes some slow downs or crashing issues. I know some have had some success. Just remember to do a backup beforehand.

      Me, I personally do a backup then restore to the new firmware instead of just a upgrade.

    • I’m @ 2.1 on a 3g and had issues such as crashing and loading stuff(keyboard & mail & texts). Then one day it locked up. So I restored to factory then upgrade and broke again & have had little problems since. Once in a while I get a shut down out of nowhere but not often. No speed problems & and I theme the kitchen ,bathroom and bedroom. LOL.

    • Yea, I just did my second restore (first was when 2.1 was released) and I’ve hand picked my Applications and I’m still humming along. I didn’t install Winterboard yet.

  3. Slightly off topic….. I am looking to change the color of the badges (little icon that shows how many new emails/sms/missed calls you got.

    Does anyone know where I can get these icons and where I should upload them in my theme folder? Thanks

  4. Can you still SSH into your iPhone 2.xx fw and change icons, carrier logo’s, wallpapers, etc?

  5. Brooke,

    What is that theme called with all the clear icons in the sunset picture?

  6. some apps on cydia and installer clash. Why? Is it just me or? Especially with my board, always seems to rearrange icons.

  7. Where did you get those clear icon that you used with Around the world wallapaper??

  8. I was having some issues with my 2.1 3g…. i had winterboard installed and things did slow down… battery life sucked (maximun 3 hours of decent use) and the text app will take forever to open… had a crisis today and decided to restore, turns out my back ups were corrupted and couldn’t restore to a recent backup so had to restore to an old one (probably 2 months ago), I think if you back up while the phone is jailbroken (probably only 3g’s) the files are gonna be corrupted… i had the spinning wheel of death showed up everytime I tried to restore from a backup….anyways… thankfully got all my contacts back and now I’m on a clean (legal, lol) Iphone 3g with no hacks…. it’s a lot faster too!!

  9. Whenever I install something for winterboard from installer, it shows up in the winterboard app but it doesnt actually theme the phone how can I fix this?

    • Just in case you have overlooked something, but the theme you want to apply has to have a ‘check mark’ beside it. Those with ‘check marks’ higher up on the list will cancel out ones lower on the list that may still be ‘checked’. If you are checking them then maybe you need to reinstall winterboard or something.

  10. New to winterboard, hope this helps.


  1. […] has already been done.” True, there is another theme very similar to this called Around The World in 24 (which I really like). However, this theme only includes beach wallpapers. Honestly, this is […]