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Available In: Cydia | ![]() |
Price: Unregistered Version Free, Registered Version $4.95 or $24.95 |
MySMS is an SMS application that can be used in the place of the stock SMS app (or in conjunction with it). When you first open MySMS, you will get a pop-up saying that you are using an unregistered version of the application. You can register the application for $4.95 or $24.95. You can see what the registered versions offer by selecting Register. Once you are in the application, you will be on the main screen.
On the main screen, you will see a list of all your SMS conversations. The most recent conversation being at the top of the list. You can change the list view by using the arrow icons on the lower menu bar. The first icon with the double arrows will show the individual text messages that you have both sent and received (instead of showing the conversations). The down arrow will display all the individual text messages that you have received and the up arrow will display all of the individual text messages you have sent. The last icon on the lower menu bard, the two chat bubbles, will bring you back to the conversation style list of your text messages.
You will also notice a Settings icon in the lower left corner of the screen. Here you have quite a few options including; information about the application, the ability to register the app, ability to edit number length, ability to change the sort order and the ability to change the skin of the application (it only comes with the default skin…other skins have to be downloaded). You also have the ability to turn on/off Autocorrection, Autocapitalization, hitting Return twice to send a text, Store decrypted msg’s (only available in registered version), ability to set a master password and the ability to set MySMS as your default SMS client.
Back on the main screen you will also notice an Edit option in the upper left corner. This option allows you to Custom Delete which means delete one text message at a time, Edit crypted which allows you to delete incoming and outgoing crypted messages, Edit Messages which allows you to delete all incoming or outgoing messages at once and Wipe all which will delete all of your text messages (might want to be careful around that button!).
Ok so, how does that app work. Well, you can create a new text message by selecting the icon in the upper right corner. This will bring up a list of all your contacts. You can then either scroll through the list or use the quick filter (basically a search) and enter a keyword to find a contact. The list automatically displays the contacts first to number however, if you tap on a contact you are able to view all the numbers and information for that contact (and even edit the Contact’s info!). Once you have selected a number you would like to text, you will get an message screen. Here you are able to write a message in either portrait or landscape mode. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of landscape mode while texting. You can add more contacts to the text by selecting the icon in the upper right corner.
You also have a few options on a menu bar; Template, Contact and Show Keys. Template allows you to choose from five prefabbed templates however, I’m not sure what the templates are…they do not seem to be working correctly. The Contact option will bring up your contact list and the Show Keys option will bring up a shortcut with the ?, !, . and , punctuations. Which I think is nice…it makes typing a message much faster! Once you are finished with your message, select Send.
You can also reply to a message by clicking on it in on the main screen…instead of using the “new messages” icon. You can also Forward an individual message or call the number by selecting the message from the main screen as well.
Overall, this application does give you a lot of nice features that the stock application does not. However I did find that the badge doesn’t work exactly correctly on the app. For some reason I have to open MySMS and then close it before I get a badge telling me I have new text messages. The same goes for after I have read my text messages. One other thing I noticed that isn’t necessarily a bug but just a feature that is missing is that you are only able to send text messages to people in your contact list. There is no option, from what I could tell, that allows you to just type in a number that you would like to text. Other than that, the app works fine for sending and receiving text messages. You will have to let me know in the comments if you will switch to MySMS or stick with the stock SMS app.
Recent Twitter for MySMS:
Nice review Brooke
Recently I have been using biteSMS instead of the stock Text application. I have purchased no biteSMS credits, and it seems to work just fine with my AT&T texting plan.
Supports landscape texting, looks generally just like the stock texting application, and gives you a character count while typing. I am sure it does many other things as well…
(PS. Your last screenshot mentions Rochester… which state?)
Minnesota…I was traveling last week.
biteSMS has the ability to: 1. Text in landscape, 2. Forward messages, 3. Send contacts, 4. Send your current location (though I’m not sure how it works), 5. message counter for total number of texts sent thru your mobile carrier, 6. message counter for multiple recipients, 7. message counter for long texts (exceeding 160 characters), 8. free of charge!! I’ve managed to save considerable amount of money using the biteSMS service cause I travel quite a bit. If anyone else here thinks i’ve missed out on anything pls do tell.
to add to my previous post biteSMS can also 8. turn off autocorrection, 9. quick search a contact.
“One other thing I noticed that isn’t necessarily a bug but just a feature that is missing is that you are only able to send text messages to people in your contact list.”–
On the screen where you enter the contact name; just type the phone no and press USE This.
I guess my earlier comment didn’t pass the spam filter :(
i noticed that by hitting->new message->quick filter->type any #->hit use this………you can txt to any number…not just the ones in your list
Ahhh!!! So, just type the number you want to text into the Quick filter. I didn’t think of that…thanks!
Already switched to MySMS, and disabled stock app. MasterPassword feature is also nice. Ability to switch Auto Correction off is neat. Typing any number in Quick Search area and clicking Use This, lets you to send to that desired #.
Also character count and number of SMS’s generated is very helpful. But most importantly, ability to erase specific message, not the whole conversation; and ability to forward message (as well ability to send contact infos) are the biggest hits.
The purchased version of this app is 10 times better than the free one. I like it, Apple’s sms app is going to get poof’d, as I have no use for it now.
I bought this program and it takes so long to send the text. Am I missing something?
I have same problem :(
Any idea?
According to Big Boss’s website a new version is available in cydia, has anyone tried it out?
Better biteSMS, cost you nothing and no bug.
Nice APP. Have all we needed on Apple SMS APP (caracter counter, contact number send, customizable answers (templates) BUT It would be good if an option of SMS DELIVERY REPORT On/Off was available regarding to *not# auto inclusion to provide delivery reports.
Hi I was wondering, what the difference is between the registered $4 one and the unregistered version, Also if someone could explain to me what encrypted texts are and how they are used. Thank you
Seems very slow when entering the app.
I did pay $4.95 in support for the development of this app.
I dd not notice any improvement in respect to the speed.
Mh i test the the Demo, yes it looks a bit weird with these ugly icons, iRealSMS 2.0 looks better (also not free).
But the most things can do biteSMS for free.
Landscape Mode, Forward SMS, Character Counting, Auto Correction off/on,… and you don´t need the credit thing, just go inside settings, change it to “Mobile Carrier” an it works like the normal Text.app over your own carrier.
Darfts, sent-notifications are not implemented those things are not worth to pay 5 € or 25 €
i´ll stay @ biteSMS
I purchased for 4.95 and I cannot see the forward. Reply and call bottom. I can only see the a little bit. Is there an option to make the screen smaller so I can see these buttons.
I bought it just now and got the key but when I enter the key, they require me to restart, I have done it but it is still not registered. Not to mention, I have to manually put the mobile number on my own, because it has no feature of detecting mobile number, what is shown only landline instead of mobile…..so strange and I should say that I just bought a crap!!
I registered secure MySMS and tried sending SMS to another person. That person received the message in Chinese instead of in English. What can I do?