Sim City Video Review

Available In: App Store       Price: $9.99  

Sim CityThis game works really well on the iPhone. I did have some lag on my jailbroken 3G but after rebooting my iPhone it was fine. The controls are set up very nice and if you are a former Sim City fan, you’ll love it. If you’re new to Sim City, make sure to check out the help on the main menu before you get started so you can get to know how the game works. Here is our video review:

Watch Sim City from your iPhone or iPod Touch


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  1. Bought this and noticed that even though I disable, or turn the music and sfx down to zero, I canĀ“t listen to my music nor podcasts on my Ipod Touch. EA, please fix this on the next update. It should be mandatory for games to let the player listen to his own music/podcasts.

    • Have you tried adjusting it in the options? not in the game but the preferences in the springboard, i think it is possible… not sure, have to try! ^^

  2. I loved this game back in my PC, I think I’ll pass on the iPhone though. thanks!

  3. DJContagious says

    if you shake the iPhone, it enables a Cheat Codes option!

    if you type “i am weak”, everything is free!

  4. How do you get back to the start menu after you have already started a game?

    • the right button (three small dots) open a menu that has an option to quit (save, load, quit, etc…)

  5. how do you restart a game?

    • Sorry but I think you must quit the game then start a new game. I’m not quite sure about that but i havent found any other ways…

  6. Hey you get back to the start menu by going to the save game screen and pressing quit.

    Another cheat – Pay tribute to your king – that will give you all of the rewards

  7. gggggggg

  8. It’s the best game i’ve ever had on iPod (32G)! and Spore Origins!

  9. Antonios:
    Yes, I tried that in the options too, but to no avail. :-(
    Too bad as both Puzzle Quest and Rolando let me listen to podcasts AND hear the ingame sfx at the same time… Really lazy EA, really lazy…

  10. Has anyone figured out how to build a Marina?

  11. Probably the best game I’ve played on the iPhone so far. Just a shame it drains the battery so fast!

  12. How can I make some money?

  13. freeurmind69 says

    mm.. been playing it for alittle while but now all it does is crash! CrashCity might be a new name for this!! mm… disappointing..