View Live Video Streams from

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

UstreamUstream has just released a new app that allows you to watch live streaming video from any of their channels right to your iPhone or iPod Touch. The application was just released so we’ll get a full review soon. They also have an application ready to go that will stream right from your iPhone to their website or other iPhone. It will be in the App Store soon as long as Apple approves it. So far, Apple has not allowed any apps that let you record video although they also were not letting in alternate internet browser but now they do. Here’s a video demo by Chris Pirillo of the playback version:

Watch demo from your iPhone or iPod Touch


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  1. It doesn’t work for iPod touch. I don’t know if it’s cause it just got released but when i try to download it says that it”s only compatible with iPhone.

  2. Thanks for the info Joey. Anyone else having this problem? I got no results in the App Store when searching for it on my iPhone. I had to search on iTunes on my computer and send the link to my iPhone.

  3. I actually just found out about this earlier today and I signed up for the beta, and I thought I was going to have to wait. But now I can watch the inauguration tomorrow!

    • That’s right, the CEO of will be live steaming the Presidential inauguration tomorrow. The timing of the release was just in time!

  4. I found the app in the Mobile AppStore but no luck getting it in my Touch…

  5. Well, it works with iPod touch 2nd Gen, 1st Gen users, we screwed!!!

  6. Hey all,
    If you want this to work over 3G you can set it up with VoipOver3g from Cydia.
    This is the bundle ID if you need it:

  7. This app works with the ipod touch 1g.
    At first i tried to download the app going by the app store and i will ge a message saying “this app is only for iphone”, but then I open itunes and downloaded from the itunes store and then i sync my ipod touch. It works like a charm.

  8. On wifi its only about 5-7 sec behind live tv…it just keeps getting better!!!

  9. This doesn’t seem to work for me at all. On startup, it asks for an active WiFi connection and then exits. Needless to say, I have an active WiFi connection,

  10. Not only does this have a watch app they have also released a Mobile App to live stream from your iPhone to your live stream. Review coming soon to!!