Apple has seeded firmware 3.1 to developers and there is already info coming out on the new features. Of course, they have updated the baseband so if you want to unlock, don’t upgrade. Also, If you want to jailbreak, don’t upgrade. There is speculation that if you upgrade, you may never be able to jailbreak again. Here’s info from the Dev Team and then a list of new features.
You’ve seen us give this warning before, and there are only so many ways to say it or come up with a clever title :) But here it is: ultrasn0w users must stay away from any firmware updates past 3.0 (including today’s 3.1 beta) until we release the tools that let you update the firmware without updating the baseband. For most phones out there, baseband updates are irreversible and you’ll lose ultrasn0w.
The 3.0 jailbreak was one of those (rare) times where both the jailbreak and the unlock coincided (the only other time was 2.2). It’s important that people realize that *most* firmware releases aren’t like that, and you need to take steps (via the tools) to separate the firmware update from its included baseband update.
This warning does not apply to the iPhone 2G, which uses BootNeuter for the unlock, not ultrasn0w.
List of new features:
– Non-destructive video editing now gives you the option to trim your clip then “Save as copy…” rather then replacing the original clip.
– Voice Control now works over Bluetooth
– iPhone vibrates when moving icons
– Updated AT&T profile to 4.2
– Updated modem firmware to 5.08.01
– Improvements to OpenGL and Quartz.
– APIs to allow third party apps to access videos and edit them.
– MMS buttons are back in the Messages app for AT&T customers but still don’t work
– Copy & Paste functions also work in the address book as well as in the numeric keypad of the phone application.
– Videos can be saved from e-mail attachments and stored.
– Find My iPhone feature, the audio alert Blasts at full volume regardless of what the ringer volume is set to.
– It does NOT fix the high pitched noise issue, I still hear it when locking my phone.
Thanks to,,, & for all the info.
Ug mms plz!! Lol
will they ever update the modem firmware for the 2g? they havent done it since 1.1.4 !!!!
Are you serious?
They have 3.0 for the 2G iPhone.
this is a link:,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw
At this point, the new features are mainly centered around the 3GS, it does not seem like a worthy upgrade if a jailbreak cannot be accomplished.
I’ve already spent a dozed hours converting pngs for themes, I’d hate to lose this progress.
is that a slightly new dialer?
When are they going to update the email notification to be liked missed calls/SMS notification? This is as painfully slow coming as landscape was in email…
My email notification works like missed call and SMS. Don’t reaaly know what you mean. 2g 3.0 Jb.
Well you are JB and I am on 3.0.
To see if I have a new email have to ‘slide’ through the lock screen. If I get a SMS or miss a phone call I can just touch the home button and see it.
Ok I see what you mean. Don’t get notification for mail on lockscreen either.
They did not fix voice control what a waste Apple you stink.
On voice control say play songs by the beatle it plays the bee gees. Say call bob johnson it will say calling ruth goldberg—voice control is a big fat joke!!!
I hope they’ll also fix that bug in 3.0 where the icons begin to switch and where others are just blank.
Just like clippy there should be stack funtion with cut copy and paste. Only item at a time is ridiculous. Shame on apple.
I hope that in addition to the bluetooth voice control that they’ll fix the skip fwd/bkd control for stereo bluetooth headsets. I had found this problem to be a bummer with my 3.0 update, and they need to fix it with a quickness!!!
What a bummer I updated before reading all the post and now I lost everything and can’t get it back. I sure hope that the Dev-Team can fix this soon :-(