Available In: Cydia | Price: Free |
WinterBoard has been updated to version 0.9.2958-2. According to saurik, the developer; “The newly released 0.9.2958 versions of MobileSubstrate and WinterBoard (upgraded to support ARM7/Thumb2) should now work on the iPhone 3GS.” So, YAY! Let us know in the comments how the update does for you. For those of you who do not have an iPhone 3GS….you will still want to upgrade to the new version of WinterBoard. The upgrade does have a few bug fixes for firmware 3.0. See change log below.
Change Log:
– Check nlist() for Thumbs (3GS)
– 3.x: More Transparent Spotlight
– 3.x Clear Icon Cache on Reload
– 3.x Added Small Icon to .app
– Use Binary.plists (Performance)
Working fine on my 3GS! :)
Matt- did u upgrade to rc2?? Im scared cause rc1 has been fine. Just saw redsnow was released by the dev team, decisions decisions.
Yeah because WB won’t work with RC2. I tried running it over the top of RC1 but it just froze so I had to restore.
Installed RC2, Winterboard works like a champ, memory hasent changed. Any benefits to JB with Redsnow??
Yeah my purplera1n MAC version has been working fineeee, no issues at all…. should I use the new redsn0w or stay with my current JB?
Just stay with the current jailbreak, you will just be rejailbreaking with a different tool.
How do you get the new version of WB? I have the old version in Cydia.
Never mind. I figured it out.
Hey After installing winterboard on my 3gs jailbreaked using purplerain mac .cydia told me to reboot and now ist only rebooting! I have tried about Ten Times .what shall i do? I guess that i must restore now
i have the same problem and i am restoring right now…
Yeah they are saying it puts your iPhone into some sort of safe mode and will crash alot… I got mine to reboot but I’m sticking with the regular stuff with out winterboard :( I was just on today to see if they had an update and I guess I’ll try one more time and then wait if it doesn’t work.
PS i love that purple rain its so EASY!
Winterboard now works but what I’m finding is that with the current jailbreak, I’m having problems downloading with WiFi. Never had this before.
If you’re on an unlocked phone and are using ultrasn0w, reinstall it. Following this, go to Settings>General>Reset and tap Reset Network Settings.
Thanks. I’ll give that a try.
How do I exit safety mode??? Plz help!!!):
I jailbroke with the initial PurpleRa1n release and having no problems so far. Using my custom Reveal theme and LiveClock with the Five column springboard and Five Icon Dock…I’m using the apple congruency theme for SBSettings and have used POOF. ICY seems to be working fine….. as well as 1 of my FAVORITE mods RandomRing!!…..and still have over 124mb free!!! THANKS 3GS and to you all for your assistance!
Respring or Reboot!
I finally got my 3gS, jailbroke with purplera1n RC2 windows, everything seems to be working fine. I had trouble with the 3g network, safari wouldn”t load pages coz it wasn’t connected to the net, so i went to Settings>General>Reset then tapped reset network settings and everything worked fine. Im not dwld too much stuff from cydia. the 3gs is fast. wowwww.
I jailbroke my iPhone 32GB 3GS v.3.0.1 with redsn0w and then i updated cydia and then installed winterboard. when i restarted my iPhone after winterboard install the apple logo would appear for about 15 sec then shut off. can someone help with this?
i have the same problem.the 1st time i tried it would show the apple logo then shut off then now it would show logo plus the ring like thing that shows when u turn off your phone for like 5 mins then shut off again then turn on again.please help.
Can someone please post the link for this download, if possible also the link for Cydia for iPhone 3Gs.
i recently jailbroke my iphone to the latest version 3.2.1 from itunes. problem is. Winterboard isn’t appling changes. Is that due to the OS on the iphone? Or will I need to downgrade the OS version to 3.0 or wait for Winterboard to update.
I jailbreaked my iPhone 3Gs with PwnageTool 3.1.4.
I installed Winterboard once but it didn’t reload (same as described above by Xtrmn8r). I re-jailbroke… just installed Mobile Substrate 0.9.3051-1.
What else is needed to make Winterboard run?
Same as Danny only little bit diff I installed winterboard and when it says reboot device it wouldn’t reboot so I had to put it in DFU and restore but because I jailbroke with Pwnage I restored to custom Ipsw so I’m still jailbroken!! :) but now Im afraid to install winterboard cuz I don’t want to restore!!