Previously, AT&T and Apple had an agreement that AT&T would not allow apps like Skype to run on AT&T’s network. They could only run on Wifi, probably to lessen the load on the system. Today, AT&T sent a letter to the FCC stating they “informed Apple that, effective immediately, AT&T consents to Apple enabling third-party VoIP applications for the iPhone that use our wireless network, including our 2G and 3G capabilities.” Now you can use Skype any time without using your minutes. It most likely will not work immediately but require an update to the apps or iPhone firmware via iTunes.
Vonage just announced their app for the iPhone yesterday that allows discounted international calls. AT&T’s recent announcement doesn’t seem to have effected the status of the Google Voice application.
Ruth Milkman, Chief
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington DC 20554Re: AT&T Response to Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Letter, DA 09-1737 (July 31, 2009); RM-11361; RM-11497
Dear Ms. Milkman:
On behalf of AT&T, I am writing to provide you with an update to AT&T’s August 21, 2009 response to the Bureau’s questions about the Apple iPhone. In our response, we explained that AT&T currently offers a variety of devices that enable VoIP applications to make use of our wireless network (including our 2G and 3G capabilities) and the devices’ Wi-Fi connectivity. We further explained that the iPhone currently supports VoIP applications that make use of the device’s Wi-Fi connectivity, but VoIP capabilities were not available on the iPhone for use on our wireless network. We also stated that we were taking a fresh look at the issue and would promptly notify the Commission of any such change in our policies. AT&T has completed its review of the matter and today we informed Apple that, effective immediately, AT&T consents to Apple enabling third-party VoIP applications for the iPhone that use our wireless network, including our 2G and 3G capabilities.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Robert W. Quinn, Jr.
Smart move..AT&T have been taking a beating, but they have had the iPhone for 2 years exclusive. They have made their $$$ many times over. Personally I live in the Washington, DC area and have had AT&T/Cingular since 2004 and have no complains. No carrier is perfect, no system is. I have friends on Verizon and they have 3G network issues in buildings and drop calls like everybody else. Good for Vonage, I had them they have great customer service. Ultimately, the larger carriers will charge for access, because without them the VioP won’t have the funds to build a network. If Vonage was smart they would strike a deal with AT&T and dominate the VioP on mobile phones…
does this VioP permission allow applications like “Slingplayer” to stream ones live tv from the 3G network instead of only trhough wifi?
No. But it would be nice if they changed there minds on that too.
I think this is a great move and hopefully this will open up the floodgates to letting more apps have less restrictive rules when it comes to accessing the cellular network. Especially when it comes to multimedia streaming apps, which right now are mainly limited to wifi only.
hurray!!! I don’t have AT&T, or an iPhone, or Skype or 3G. But hurray!!!
So why are you here…..? Just curious, but glad to have you.
usually i dont get what i want from my parents, but this is no exception.
I…..MUST….GET….A…..I PHONE ……… 3GS.
qeury: can i use a i phone in south america